
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day Five

Everyone was still in bed when I left for work.
There was a one hour limit to Wii this morning. We realized there has been too much time on it.
Grandpa took the boys back to Fiesta Fun Center.
They played mini golf and the boys rode the kitty size go carts.
Here Richard isn't tall enough for the regular ones.
The cars went very slow. Not too exciting.
The boys cashed in their 545 tickets.
Garrett picked toys and Richard candy.
Grandpa bought a pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut for dinner.
I made smoothies again.
The boys spent most of the evening in the family room.
While Grandpa went to Bio Life and grocery shopping,
we watched a dragon cartoon of some kind of Netflix.
They were in bed at 8:30 pm. Heard them talking still at 9 pm.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Day Four

A tidbit about us - we haven't kept up with the perishable pantry items expiration dates. 
Yesterday Grandpa fixed pancakes for breakfast with orange juice. 
I asked him how the boys like them - he said they weren't very good.
Expiration date was sometime in 2013.
Be prepared Corinne, Garrett is blaming the orange juice for his upset stomach yesterday.
That would also explain my sour stomach on Tuesday morning. Probably the waffles he made.

Grandpa took the boys to the Daly's while he helped them finish up their
on-line banking. The Daly's offered to take everyone to lunch at Wendys.

Next Grandpa took the boy to the Rosenbruch Museum.
It wasn't the most exciting place, but it was a new experience.
We also fail as grandparents who make their grand kids practice their instruments while visiting.
Garrett much prefers the piano over his violin.
He played everything once and then disappeared.
Here is walking towards the "Theatre".
The weather was ideal. It was windy, but I think that really helped with keeping the bugs away.
I always take a sweater or lap quilt. It does get windy in the canyon and my lap gets cold.
The pants that were packed were too tight and small for the boys.
New pants for school will be needed!
Here is the entrance to the Amphitheatre.
We invited Aunt Sharlotte & Uncle Randy to come along. I like sitting on the edge on the side.
That way it is easier to see - less heads in the way. 
Sharlotte was very sweet with Garrett. She said his eyes just bugged out as some of the
scenes took place.
This was our view to the stage.
There is action from all angles here.
Right side of stage.
Left side of stage.
This is the bottom of the canyon where they actually made a
waterfall that rushed - I mean rushed down on to and over the edge of the stage.
Garrett ran out of juice after the intermission. He kept wrapping himself up in his blanket,
but couldn't get comfortable enough. At each scene change he would perk up
to see what was going on. He went straight no bed - no potty or brush teeth or clothes change I think.
Richard took care of those items before bed. It was going on midnight before
the evening was done.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day Three

First of all, I now get a glimpse into Corinne's day.
There is no time to take pictures. I'm sorry I'm not doing better.
I came home a little after 5 to this scene.
If you can't tell, that is Grandpa sleeping.

Today the boys spent the morning at home. Grandpa was helping his parents with some on line banking at our house.

Lunch was hot dogs, of which was reported the boys scarfed down and ate their fruit too. Grandpa took them to Fiesta Fun Center. It has recently moved to a new building. We went and scoped it out before the boys came. It is really nice and open. They bowled and played some of the games. There is a bag of tickets on the counter at home. Grandpa will take them again so they can earn more and spend them too. I asked the boys if they had fun and they said yes. Richard still bowled left handed. He is walking around with his right arm still in the same position that the cast was molded. He said it does hurt a bit to straighten it out.

We went to our friend's (Hubsmith) to swim. It was really windy and had even rained a couple of times before we went. Grandpa and the boys went swimming while I worked with Judy in the house on our Alaska cruise booking. We were there about 1 1/2 hours.

On the way home I told the boys they needed to get right to bed because we will be up really late tomorrow night because of the musical at the Tuachan. As we pulled to a stop in the driveway, Garrett said he had a stomach ache. I think bedtime equates a stomach ache for Garrett. Richard asked for a few crackers before bed and Garrett didn't eat anything.  Oh - dinner was grilled cheese and tomato soup. Garrett told us he didn't really like grilled cheese or tomato soup. I did make banana and strawberry smoothies to go with dinner. They both really like the smoothie.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day Two - Tuesday

Let's see - today was the big switcheroo of Spencer for Richard.

Grandpa got up and made waffles for breakfast. Spencer informed Grandpa that he like pancakes better. Fred got the call from Ben about 10:00 am to hit the road and head to Scipio and meet at the Dairy Queen for lunch. They ordered three hamburger combos to share.

On the way back home, Grandpa stopped at the Dairy Farmers of America in Beaver. Grandpa said it was nothing super exciting, but it did allow them an ice cream cone and they brought back a big round of mild cheddar cheese. We will be having grilled cheese & tomato soup soon.

They got home about 5 PM. Grandpa said from Cedar City on home Garrett was bored with his bag of activities. Every 10 minutes the rest of the way home he asked how much longer?

We ate spaghetti for dinner. I let the boys tell me how much to load on their plates. Their eyes were a little bigger than their stomachs. It probably took 5 minutes for them to take the first bit. Too much silliness.

Grandpa left for Bio Life and we stayed home and started watching Star Wars VI. Mini cookies and milk for snack and to bed at 8:30pm. Soon after Garrett was up with a stomach ache. I actually had an upset stomach all day and it was worse last night. So I suspected his might be somewhat legitimate too. I think they were asleep a little after 9pm.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Next Day

Monday's Events
Grandpa took Spencer and Garrett swimming at our friend's home in the morning to avoid the heat. Somehow so far this week, it is not hot. It is overcast and humid though. The pool has an unusual entry of levels. When we went swimming at the hotel on Saturday night, Garrett was very slow to get in the pool. So when they got there, Grandpa was unloading stuff figuring Garrett was going to tip toe in. Who knows what happened, but Garrett was in too deep and gasping for air. Grandpa had his swim trunks on, but still a shirt, his phone, car remote, in the pockets so he didn't want to just jump in. He did reach over and pull Garrett up, but not in the urgency that Garrett was hoping for. After that, they had fun.
Back to the house for sandwiches, Wii and choice of play. The menu was peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Spencer did not like the looks of our cream honey or our too soft white bread. Grandpa made it plain peanut butter and he cut it in half, but it was still floppy so he cut it in thirds. Spencer didn't like that. He wanted two pieces. Grandpa ate one and said "there, now you have two pieces" Spencer didn't like that either.
When I got home from work at 4:45, the boys were immersed in transformer play in the living room. I made tacos with crisp shells. Garrett said he wanted the one that was broken. Basically he made a tostada. He ate four halves without any complaint. Spencer nibbled on his shell through the tomatoes and might have eaten a touch of cheese. He was done.
We took the boys to see the movie Home. They could already quote from the movie when it was over. It will not be a movie we buy. I had a hard time staying awake somewhere in the middle. Mini Chips Ahoy and Mini Oreos with milk for their after movie and before bedtime snack.
Overall, a good day I would say. Thank you Grandpa Fred for all that you do!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July 2015

This was the weekend for the Daly Family Reunion held in Pleasant Grove Utah. This was our branch of the tree.  There originally were five brothers. Tom, Arthur (Fred's Dad), Frank, Joe & Jay. Tom and Frank have passed away so Fred's Dad is the patriarch of the family.

Corinne and Ben brought down their boys from Ogden. Sharlotte (Fred' sister) and her husband Randy brought their granddaughter Roxie. It was HOT. I'm not gonna lie. It was held at a church pavilion and everything was outside. No access to the church.....but someone was kind enough to provide an outhouse. NOT. Corinne and I loaded up Garrett for a bathroom break at a nearby grocery store. Actually, I didn't need to go, but I went for the alone time with Corinne.

 This is Fred with his Uncle Jay. They are sorting through bullets and talking about the family rifles and shotguns.
After the reunion, Corinne and family came back to our hotel. (which wasn't very nice) and we all went swimming. Even Fred and I went swimming and it was really fun. Made us talk consider getting an above ground pool for us. Around here we get the feeling above ground pools are considered white trash, but I don't think we care.
 Henry likes to wear the big sandals. He knows which foot is which.

 You know....the TV is on.
 Again with the TV
Sunday morning we loaded up Garrett and Spencer to bring them home with us. We ate breakfast at Burger King and neither boy ate very much. But lunch at McDonalds - they cleaned up. This is Spencer mid some imaginary playtime.
 Our big table.
 See - all gone Mom.

 Garrett too!

First toys to come out were the Transformers, followed by Legos.

Thursday, July 2, 2015