
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What's been going on lately

My company's summer party was a drive in movie.
The Staheli Farm hosts this event.
Fred loaded us up with all the comforts we would need.
We didn't end up using these, but it was good to know it was an option.
It was about 104 outside that night.
We did smell cow every so often when the breeze picked up.
Here's the screen. We had a good view. There really wasn't a bad place to park.
Work provided a huge assortment of candy, popcorn and bottles of water. 
They also brought in this Zeppe's Italian Soda Truck.
It was SO GOOD!
The movie we watched was Dr Doolittle with Robert Downey Jr.
Fred fell asleep for a while and I fell asleep twice.

The next development is my new face shield I've been wearing at work. 
I really like it. It is so much more comfortable than the medical masks.
The only drawback is I forget I have it on and when I go to put something in my mouth,
 I am met with resistance. This is peanut butter.
Since we have moved here, Fred's baby soft feet are no more. His heels have become quite dry. I told Fred I would give him a pedicure. He actually let me do it.
I scrubbed and scrubbed with my heel scrapper, I used a foot scrub, 
Mary Kay Satin Hands products too.
I feel like I just exposed more open scales. But I did like giving his feet a nice 
massage with lotion. He was a very good sport.

So that is the end of our excitement for now.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Colorado Baptism

Fred and I decided to take a road trip for Buddy's baptism weekend.
Our first stop was this Love's in Salina. 
This is a favorite stop when Shannon brings her kids for a visit at our place.
It took 10 1/2 hours for us to drive there. We made 4 stops.
I was feeling pretty good about that.
After we checked into our hotel, we  headed to our new house.
It's huge.
Now we have a record of what our new address is.
It is even bigger than it looks from the outside.
This is a picture of the view from the 2nd story.
This is the view from our living room window.
Friday just the four of us got to have the afternoon to ourselves.
Corinne was able to arrange a "private tour" of the Ft. Collins Temple.
Everyone had left for the day so it was so quiet as we walked through.
The conversation in the car as we drove was enlightening. 
So many memories brought up that I didn't remember at all.
The baptism was Saturday morning. 
We all met outside of the church before we could go into the Relief Society room.
Brian's parents and three of his brothers came with all of their family.
We had a nice big group, but still held it under the 30 maximum.
Henry was so sweet just sitting in his seat waiting for things to start.
Corinne played prelude music and our opening song.
I forget how beautifully she plays. 
Here is Buddy and Brian.
A super great picture of them together.
    Love this picture.
There were really too many of us to get everyone in one picture.
We opted for just the Daly/Drees group.
Henry & Mima were pretty much best buds for the weekend.
Later in the evening we celebrated Buddy's birthday.
Nana Drees made him a volcano cake.
All is well at the dessert bar.

Before the birthday celebrating, we took the three grandchildren back
to our hotel for some swimming. Fred and I both went in.
I'm glad I did. A lot of the times, I just don't want to get wet.
This was me making faces about the cold water.
The hot tub is always a hit.
Henry told his Mom that their basement is really fun.
They do have a lot going on down there.
Shannon took Corinne and Henry to the airport Monday. These are all the pictures they sent us.

I wonder if they planned matching purple????
As we drove out of town, the weather was just right for us to open the sunroof.
That is a noisy experience. 
Once again, we stopped at the Salina Love's.
Took us the 10 1/2 hours back. I even drove for an hour and a half.
This was a very nice long weekend. It was fun to meet up with members of Brian's family after many years. I think the last time we saw his siblings was at Mima's baby blessing in 2013.
It was worth the 20 hours in the car.