
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day Three

First of all, I now get a glimpse into Corinne's day.
There is no time to take pictures. I'm sorry I'm not doing better.
I came home a little after 5 to this scene.
If you can't tell, that is Grandpa sleeping.

Today the boys spent the morning at home. Grandpa was helping his parents with some on line banking at our house.

Lunch was hot dogs, of which was reported the boys scarfed down and ate their fruit too. Grandpa took them to Fiesta Fun Center. It has recently moved to a new building. We went and scoped it out before the boys came. It is really nice and open. They bowled and played some of the games. There is a bag of tickets on the counter at home. Grandpa will take them again so they can earn more and spend them too. I asked the boys if they had fun and they said yes. Richard still bowled left handed. He is walking around with his right arm still in the same position that the cast was molded. He said it does hurt a bit to straighten it out.

We went to our friend's (Hubsmith) to swim. It was really windy and had even rained a couple of times before we went. Grandpa and the boys went swimming while I worked with Judy in the house on our Alaska cruise booking. We were there about 1 1/2 hours.

On the way home I told the boys they needed to get right to bed because we will be up really late tomorrow night because of the musical at the Tuachan. As we pulled to a stop in the driveway, Garrett said he had a stomach ache. I think bedtime equates a stomach ache for Garrett. Richard asked for a few crackers before bed and Garrett didn't eat anything.  Oh - dinner was grilled cheese and tomato soup. Garrett told us he didn't really like grilled cheese or tomato soup. I did make banana and strawberry smoothies to go with dinner. They both really like the smoothie.


cindy said...

I love that Fred dozed off. I have been guilty of the same thing while on grandkid watch. It just happens!

benandcorinne said...

Thanks for the update! I'm looking forward to hearing about Tuachan!!!