
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Park City Day #3

Tuesday was our BIG Family Day.
We were having breakfast together and then headed to Temple Square.
Little did I know that it was also going to be a 
 When I walked in, I really didn't quite understand what was going on.
Even taking it all in it took a bit for it to sink it. It didn't help that it wasn't my birthday yet you see.
 Everything was decorated - it looked amazing!!
 Fred gave a little speech. He said he had all rehearsed in his mind, 
but it didn't come out they way he had planned. 
He and Jess have been working together since February putting this together.
Actually all the kids have had input, but these two worked together tirelessly.
Jess put together a beautiful album for me from pictures Fred sent along with sentiments from 
all of our children, their spouses and the grands. It's beyond fabulous.

She also made a cute little book for each of the kids and me with pictures of me from my childhood. This is the cover. I think I'm about 5 or 6 here.
 Here are a few pages from the album to give you an idea.
"60 Reasons Why We Love You" is the title of the album

One of the pages has a whole bunch of pictures of me at the kitchen sink. 
So it was natural to find me at the sink again that morning cleaning up.
That's just what I do. 
I got to look through the book with Jess. She is amazing and adds a creative and fun role to our family.
It was pretty amazing that all the kids simply milled about while I got to have a birthday.
I guess when there is food everyone is happy. Brian made crepes, Corinne made a wonderful breakfast casserole, bacon, hash browns and juice. All food needs were addressed!!!
Jess ordered a special birthday cake for me from the Kneaders down the road.
Chocolate cake, chocolate filling, Andes mints, York patties, all my favorites. 
Pink color scheme - my favorite color. 
Scott put together a slide show.
After we finished with those festivities, we got in our cars and headed for the TRAX light rail to take us into Temple Square. We didn't know if there would be a ton of traffic on the 4th of July.
Historically our family vacations on the hottest day of the season.
True to form, it was over 100 today in Salt Lake City.
The train was so delightfully air conditioned. 
For being so stinkin hot everyone was very pleasant. No one was cranky. At least that I noticed. There was no whining. Honestly. I didn't hear any. 
That Evan was so cute. It's fun to have a baby around again. 
Jess is so good with Buddy.
This picture is doubly special.
First - Corinne. She is amazing. That girl is up for anything and she doesn't complain.
Nothing is too hard for her. She does what needs to be done and does for others no matter what.
She does not get that from me.
Second. Fred. 
By the time we finally got to our destination - it was time to eat so we headed to the Mall.
We converged to the food court and staked our claim of tables.
It was by the play land.
We were here a pretty long time.
Finally - we see the Temple. 
If only it weren't so hot. It doesn't look hot. Doesn't it look beautiful. 
Wouldn't it be lovely if it were a sunny day in Washington state? If only!
Shade - Beautiful Shade!!!
Someone looks a little droopy here.
Again, I can't say how impressed Fred and I were with how well our grand kids did with all the walking and looking at what I would consider not a very exciting place for the day. They all did great.

There's my Freddie.
You know you can't just walk around the Conference Center. Those missionaries just have to give you some portion of their tour. 

I want to document our Conference Center story about Scott. 
When we brought him here when he was about 12, he and Fred sat down in these chairs. Scott wiggled his little rump in the chair and looked over at Fred and said "yeah these are two hour seats". 

I think these little cousins were pretty smitten with Evan.

This was the end of our Temple Square excursion. Well we did hit the Assembly Hall after this, but no more pictures. This was a great day from start to finish even with the heat.
So proud of my family. 
Thank you to Fred and Jess for giving me the best surprise party EVER.
My children are my greatest blessing. 
I don't know what I did in the preexistence to earn them, but it must of been something. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Park City Day #2

Monday morning Shannon's family went swimming. 
The kids had been asking to go swimming since they arrived on Saturday night. 
Have you ever seen such cute googles??
Fred and Garrett were checking out the ping pong table.
We headed downtown to Park City Base Area. They have shopping, eating and some cool rides.
Here we are piling out of our cars. 
 Applying sunscreen. Again - it was HOT!!!
 Once we all decided which rides we wanted to buy tickets for, we quickly learned the wait lines were LONG. Like an hour plus. Shannon and Brian decided to go check out the Olympic Park with their kids. They were too little to be passengers on these rides anyway.
Ben volunteered to sit out and be on Henry duty while Corinne and the big boys waited in line for the Coaster and the Slide.
 The waiting was pretty awful, but once the ride was over I think the boys forgot the pain.
 Corinne and her boys went on the Coaster and the Slide.
 Fred and I only went on the Coaster. The last time I screamed the entire ride. It was so much fun.
This time I think I knew what to expect so there was no screaming, but it was just as much fun!!
 We went back to the Resort and the kids played while Corinne and Ben got to work on dinner.

Fred left for the airport to pick up Scott and Jess & Evan.

Here is Evan greeting Garrett. It was pretty cute!
 Now we are all here!
Each family took a turn at preparing a meal for dinner. This always works out nice. 
At least I think so. No one has complained about it and I know I certainly don't want to make food for everyone when we get together. This way we all get to eat something a little different and new.
 We did bring a few things for the kids to play with. This train track was a good choice.
Four Score is always popular too.

 Corinne's meal was Hawaiin Haystacks. Yummy!!
 Our drink barista.
A little cousin bonding. I could see each day the cousins getting more comfortable together and getting along better two. Figuring out how each other works.
 A little patio dining for Garrett.
  This is a photo that Brian took when they were at the Olympic Park earlier in the day.
  Shannon and Brian went back to Park City Base to ride the coaster later in the evening.
Fred and I offered to stay with the grand kids in waves. Not all at the same time. We aren't that confident or would that be "not that crazy". 
Other than it being so hot and the lines ridiculously long -
It was a good day. 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Park City Reunion 2017 Let's Get Started

The Fred Daly Family Reunion 2017 - Park City, Utah. 
So we've had this on the calendar for way over a year. It felt like it would never come. But it finally did. Fred and I headed out and stopped immediately for free breakfast sandwiches at Chick Fil A in St. George. I post this because, well it was just kind of awesome. 
First of all, the food was actually pretty yummo and a great price. 
 Second, look at the receipt.  
How smart is this company?
Now I know how they find you to bring you your food.
Duh? Why aren't other places paying attention?
 There is a super huge gap in stuff going on before this, but photo taking was not happening.
Buying food and lugging ten tons of luggage and crap to the room happened first.
But we won't go into that. It was kind of a pain. The Westgate Resort is kind of a maze and a pretty stupid design as far as getting from the parking garage to your rooms. But by the time the kids starting arriving we had it figured out.

Shannon and Brian arrived first Saturday evening. I don't remember much now what took place. 
We'll just skip to Sunday morning here.
Shannon and Brian planned on attending Sacrament meeting somewhere here in Park City. 
Before they left for an 11 block, we walked up to the Gondola for a free ride. 
Here is our selfie from up in the gondola.
Corinne and Ben's family arrived after their church meetings. We hit the gondola again.
I'm glad we did because we didn't know that the gondolas are only open on the weekends.
 Here's Ben & Corinne with Garrett & Henry.
 Richard and Spencer.
 Mr. Cutie Pie Grandpa!!!
  Brian's younger brother Aaron and his wife and their family came for dinner and to hang out for a while. We all ate tacos.
 Then there was some playing at the playground.
Corinne's family did some swimming too.
I think I'll identify everyone to begin with.
Richard with Corinne & Ben.
 Corinne (obviously) and Henry.
Part of the pool is covered and the other half is open.
The water was VERY WARM. Actually too warm considering the whole time we were in Park City it was in the 90s. A little bit disappointed in the weather. We were hoping for a little reprieve. 
 Garrett on the left and Spencer on the right.
Day Number One Over and Out.