
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Glimpses of gratitude

I am continually amazed at myself and how ungrateful I am most of the time. I'm so eager to complain and whine and be disappointed that I rarely look at my blessings. While Fred and I were driving in the car yesterday it was actually not very painful to talk about a couple minor actions I need from him. No big deal. Fred is open to it. What a blessing he is. Fred may have piles and keep too much junk, but this man works, provides, lets me do whatever I want, let's me spend spend spend, takes me out to eat/dinner whenever I say a peep, he is a wonderful father, he isn't demanding about what I cook, make for his lunch, how clean or not clean the house is, how dirty a toilet gets, he is constant and he is funny. We laugh a lot. He is also a master at catching moles - barehanded (with a shovel) about patience! He sits there and waits for a rumple in the dirt.


cindy said...

Gayle, your blog looks so cute! I like the changes you've made! You're a lucky girl, Fred is a terrific guy. I'll have to remember his mole catching skills for the next time those little pests decide to invade our yard!

benandcorinne said...

Very fun pictures. Loved looking at everything and reading about your experiences lately.Dad is a good mole catcher. Garrett says hi.

Drees009 said...

He has been a wonderful example of a hard worker to me and I will always appreciate the things that I have learned from him.
And PS, I love the photo.

Mama Megs said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog-you're such a sweetheart. I feel the same way about my constant and reliable hubby-Fred sounds a lot like Devin-what great guys :)