
Sunday, June 22, 2014

A little intro

Scott and Jess. Let me tell you what I observed about Jess so far.
She loves and adores Scott. Scott has never had that. He loves it. 
Jess is a happy and whole person. She is excited about life. 
Jess loves people by being generous, kind and by serving.
She loves to have fun and be silly. 
Jess is comfortable being herself. 
Focusing on her strengths and leaves the rest behind.
She seems to be very wise for her young years.
She is trusting. Never doubting, questioning or grilling Scott on the past.
She accepted Scott from the first moment and knew he was "The One".
God answers prayers. 
Her name is Jessica McGuire.


cindy said...

Those pictures are amazing. (your blog's letting me leave comments again, yay!)

Mama Megs said...

So happy for him. Everyone deserves such a spouse!

Lorraine Butler said...

What a wonderful tribute to your future daughter-in-law. You're both lucky!!