
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Today is our 36th Wedding Anniversary

This is one of our Engagement Pictures.
We didn't choose this one for the announcements
because the photographer said this particular pose was a little too intimate. 
You know, my hand on his lapel.
Interesting....considering what we see today in wedding announcements.
Looking at this picture I think how little I knew about Fred at this time.
 I had no idea what a good man I had found. 
But I did know I had found a man and not a boy.
I didn't know his strengths were to be steady and constant,
a consistent provider and a protector for me and our children.
We have never gone without.
We have lived within our means and that is a really good feeling.
If I would have been in charge of finances, it would have been a mess.
I had no idea how smart Fred was. I mean in everything.
Not just book smart, but in everything.
From the very beginning he knew how to fix and build everything.
Where did he learn that? How did he know how to do all of that?
Then when our babies came, he was there helping with everything.
Constant, steady and calm when I was losing it. Where did that come from?
 How did he know how to be such a good partner with our children?
In the midst of our life together, I know I have felt frustrated many times.
So impatient not being or having what I wanted when I wanted it.
It is always so easy to hold your partner responsible for our unmet expectations.
I am guilty of that. I know now that I was wrong.
Fred has been so good to me and for me.
I could not have found a more perfect partner to share my in life with.
I am so grateful that we never stop growing and learning
how to navigate in this world.
 That we can better understand ourselves and others as we experience  life's ups and downs. I am so thankful I have Fred by my side through all of this.
And that he puts up with me. I kind of wonder how he does it.


Lorraine Butler said...

I hope this isn't a repeat comment.

What a great tribute! You two are really good for each other.

Jessica Daly said...

This is so sweet! You two were made for each other. I'm so grateful for your example of what an incredible marriage should be! Love you both, happy anniversary!

cindy said...

Happy anniversary! You both look exactly the same. That was the sweetest tribute ever. You are a lucky girl, and Fred is one lucky guy.

KariMarie said...

How did I miss this post?! Happy Belated Anniversary!!! It's funny how life fits us with our perfect companion sometimes. I love you guys.

benandcorinne said...

That is really beautiful Mom. Thanks for sharing!