
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Fred's the best

Yesterday when I got home from work at about 4:45, my Dad had just left to get a pedicure. I immediately said "let's go get something to eat". Fred said OK. That is one thing that has changed with Dad living with us, I do feel obligated to cook when I get home from work except on Fridays. Dad knows it's our date night. Anyway it had to be quick because I had a 6:30 massage appointment. For some reason I was the one doing most of the talking so instead of it being a quick meal it went kind of long so I asked Fred to drop me off and to come back to pick me up. I told him to be at least 5 or 10 minutes early so he would be waiting for me so I said 6:50 or 6:55 PM. He dropped me off about 6:15ish.

Went in got my massage. As we were finishing up the massage, it hit me. Hour massage - 7:30 - oh oh. It's 7:30. Fred's been out there since 6:50.......... It's over 100 degrees out there. The lobby door is locked. I pay, dash out the door down the hall out the lobby door and see him in the car. I run to the car. He is sitting there a bit flushed. Yes he has been sitting there for 40 minutes. Oh - he did go out for a walk. He had sent me a text after waiting about 10 minutes. Then 15 minutes later he called me. Well you know, you turn your phone off when you get a massage.

He wasn't mad. He was just hot and had endured a great discomfort so his spoiled wife wouldn't have to wait for him to come pick her up. I still feel so rotten about it. I'm such a brat. Why was I thinking that I didn't want to have to wait for him to come pick me up? I've apologized like 27 times so far. He did say I owe him.

I complain way too much about Fred's piles and how long it is taking him to get the office and garage organized, but when I think about how he serves and sacrifices for me, his parents, my Dad and all he has done for our children I'm ashamed of myself. I can't think of anything that I do that begins to measure up to all that Fred does for others.

Fred is such a good man. He is so patient and kind with me even when I don't deserve it.
I'm so grateful he puts up with me. Especially days like yesterday.


cindy said...

You're a lucky girl Gayle. Fred's a keeper!

benandcorinne said...

I am so happy to hear things like this Mom. You're great and being appreciative.