
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Alaska Cruise - Day One @ Fairbanks

First of all this is our disclaimer, there will be no pictures of live wild animals. We saw up close one Mama Moose and her two babies right outside our bus and then anything else thru our binoculars from far away. 
 I had Fred take this picture when we arrived at the Fairbanks Airport for one of my friends back at work as kind of a joke. So then I took one of him too. It's probably a good thing since we didn't really end up seeing many wild animals on this trip. 
Sunday was a gorgeous sunny day. A friend at work went on this exact land and sea cruise a couple of weeks before us and it rained every single day for her, We couldn't believe the wonderful weather we had. The following pictures are of the lodge and grounds.

This is the lodge sign from the deck. They have a chef's garden along the river. You can get a salad from the chef's garden, They actually pick the produce from the garden. 
 Here is said garden. 
We sat on the deck between shuttle runs. I enjoyed reading my iPad and Fred consulted his maps. We were both very content with our individual activities.

All the bus drivers were awesome. Lots of drivers were from Utah, They have training in Provo. The driver that drove us to Denali was from Logan and his wife also is a driver. They live in a "dry" apartment. No running water. It's too expensive. They sponge bathe and buy jugs of water to cook and clean with. So they join a gym so they can shower regularly - not so much to work out. Life in Alaska is SO INTERESTING!!!! 
Fred took this picture of this Northern most McDonalds in the USA. 
We got a headset for a walking tour of downtown Fairbanks from the visitor's center. It was very interesting. I don't remember details. Learning about the history of Alaska was amazing. How they survived the extreme elements and why? Gives me the shivers.

We stopped in here for an ice cream cone. It was yummy.
Originally this Catholic church was on the opposite side of the river from the hospital, but it became too difficult for the priests and nuns to cross daily so one winter they brought in lumber and rolled it across the frozen river. 
 Lots of buildings in Alaska grow plants on the roof. They said they actually mow on this roof.

 This is a mileage marker. It's alphabetical. The other side shows A-K.
Pretty much self explanatory what this sign depicts.
Pioneer Park is where we went for the All You Can Eat Salmon Bake.
 Actually salmon, prime rib, beer battered cod, salad bar, rolls and dessert.

It's free entrance to the park and it would be a great place to hang out with your family. 
Someone had their dog tied up here. We thought he was pretty awesome.
Once inside there is a lot to look at and stuff to do. Some attractions have a fee. 
 Great old downtown buildings.
We went to The Palace Theatre Show to see The Gold Heart Review

 The middle ugly chick is a guy. He was so hilarious!
After the play was over we walked out to jump on our fabulous shuttle home,
It made for a fun ride back to the lodge. Fred has been helping me with picture taking on the move.
He will say "now" when we are moving through obstacles along the road.
We wanted to get a shot of the sign "Pioneer Park".
I kept saying "now, now, now, now," but we were being kind of loud and we were both crackin up and I knew then that we were going to have such a great time on this trip, 
AND WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Oh so Fred got this little zit on his nose the day before we left on the cruise. He has never had a zit on his nose before. Well it went into Hulk mode as the days continue.....

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