
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

General Conference weekend with Corinne's family

Corinne and her family came down for Conference Weekend. 
We had to transition to new sleeping arrangements now that my Dad lives with us. 
Spencer and Henry slept in the office and Richard and Garrett slept in the living room.
That means that Fred can't stay up until 1 or 2 am "watching tv" (sleeping).

Here we are for the Saturday morning session.
Ben and Corinne had some Conference packets for the boys to work on.
They worked on them and did some quiet playing. 
We think the boys did really good for Conference. 
 I took a picture of Fred. 
 Henry would wander down to Grandpa's room. 
Henry is quite taken with Grandpa Burke. 
Grandpa Burke thinks Henry is a kick.
Fred has been stocking up on some new outdoor toys for the boys. 
The boys seemed to like them. The weather was perfect this weekend.
 Henry and Spencer put together their Golf Toss.
 Usually the boys come in the summer when it is too hot to even go outside.
This spring weather was fantastic!!
Next we packed up and headed to the Tonaquint Park. 
We bought tickets to ride the train last weekend when we took Shannon there.
The line was quite a bit longer today. The park was a whole lot busier too. 
Lots of families probably visiting for Conference weekend just like us.

 On Sunday after the morning session, we went to our neighborhood park. 
We took our wagon full of toys.
 Garrett was playing with the big styrofoam airplane.
 Mom and Henry were playing with the bubbles.
 This is a great shot of Spencer tossing the styrofoam plane. 
 After the park, we headed to the Daly's for a little musical performance.
Spencer played first. 
 Next was Garrett.
 Richard played last.
Corinne made us dinner Saturday and Sunday nights. I always ask Corinne and Ben to do the cooking when they are here. That way the kids get to eat what they are used to plus I don't have to stress about it. Then I also get to enjoy eating something new and different and yummy. 

Monday morning I went to work. Corinne and the family stopped by my work to say goodbye.

Two moments that meant a lot to me this trip.
When they arrived Friday night, Spencer came in the door and came straight to me and then Fred and gave us both a hug. No prompt from parents. That is meaningful.
While everyone was giving hugs goodbye, Garrett just held on and we hugged for quite a while. 
 I noticed.


cindy said...

What a wonderful weekend! Those boys are all getting so big! I'm glad you got to see both Shannon and Corinne and their kids. Hope you're having a wonderful Easter.

Jessica Daly said...

What a great weekend! I'm catching up on all your wonderful posts. Those grandsons definitely adore you. (I need a picture of your new couches! They look so pretty!)