
Friday, May 24, 2019

Almond Roca Tutorial

Creative Circle Almond Roca Night!

Belinda Kortekaas shared her famous recipe with us 
and shared with us the tips to making it ourselves.

Tip #1 Use Costco's salted butter (she said unsalted is also okay)
Tip #2 Freeze the butter

Here is the recipe:
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter (or 2 sticks)
Almonds (crushed) takes about a bag and a half of the Costco Almond Bags
Now that I think about it, we made four batches that night so you don't need that many almonds if your are making just a single batch.
1 1/2 cups of semi sweet or milk chocolate chips
(or you can use 2 chocolate bars)
Put a splash of crushed almonds in a pan (she used less than 1/2 cup)
Add sugar and butter. 
Cook on stove top on high heat stirring (actually blending with a twist of your wrist)
 regularly until mixture becomes the color of peanut butter. 
If the mixture gets too separated, add a little bit of water.

  Here the mixture has reached the color of peanut butter.

Spread foil on a cookie sheet. 
Spread the mixture thin or spread thick if that's how you like it, onto the foil.
Sprinkle your chocolate over the mixture and spread with the backside of a big spoon. 

 Cover the mixture with crushed almonds.
 Lightly pat/press the almonds down with a baggie.
Cool in the refrigerator and when it's ready, peel and break it off of the foil.
She placed fairly big chunks into a bowl and then pressed down to make smaller pieces.
Here is everyone!
Such a great activity.
Thank you Belinda for being such a fabulous hostess and teacher.

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