
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What's been going on lately

My company's summer party was a drive in movie.
The Staheli Farm hosts this event.
Fred loaded us up with all the comforts we would need.
We didn't end up using these, but it was good to know it was an option.
It was about 104 outside that night.
We did smell cow every so often when the breeze picked up.
Here's the screen. We had a good view. There really wasn't a bad place to park.
Work provided a huge assortment of candy, popcorn and bottles of water. 
They also brought in this Zeppe's Italian Soda Truck.
It was SO GOOD!
The movie we watched was Dr Doolittle with Robert Downey Jr.
Fred fell asleep for a while and I fell asleep twice.

The next development is my new face shield I've been wearing at work. 
I really like it. It is so much more comfortable than the medical masks.
The only drawback is I forget I have it on and when I go to put something in my mouth,
 I am met with resistance. This is peanut butter.
Since we have moved here, Fred's baby soft feet are no more. His heels have become quite dry. I told Fred I would give him a pedicure. He actually let me do it.
I scrubbed and scrubbed with my heel scrapper, I used a foot scrub, 
Mary Kay Satin Hands products too.
I feel like I just exposed more open scales. But I did like giving his feet a nice 
massage with lotion. He was a very good sport.

So that is the end of our excitement for now.

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