
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Our weekend in Provo

Fred and I drove up to Provo this last weekend to attend Ben's graduation from UVU. It has been a long journey for him, but he finally made it. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Accounting. I somehow was able to get this picture of him walking in. He is in the middle. When the time came for him to walk across the stage and have his name read, I was outside the auditorium with Henry and Fred was outside on the playground with Spencer and Garrett. Corinne was there recording the event. 

Poor little Henry was having a meltdown. I couldn't figure out why he was so hysterical. Turns out, he just wanted his Mommy.

This was Henry sitting so quiet and peaceful playing with his toes before the meltdown. 
 Here is Corinne and Ben after the ceremony.
The next morning Fred and I drove up the Provo canyon and stopped off at the Sundance Resort. We looked for Robert Redford, but he wasn't greeting guests that morning. Here we are.
 Later on we met up with Corinne's family and some of Ben's family at Trafalga in Lehi. This first picture is Garrett and Spencer on the Frog Hopper.
 I think this is a great shot of Garrett.
 Here is Garrett with Grandpa Fred in the Go Karts.
 I took this picture of Garrett. He was actually in the front seat of the plane, but this boy asked him if he would trade places and Garrett didn't hesitate to trade places. I thought that was a pretty sweet boy to do that. Garrett is just that way.
 I actually spent the entire time sitting here watching everyone. It was great.
I couldn't decide which picture was best of me with Henry, so I posted all of them. 

 Here is Corinne with Henry. He is sporting a hat that is being recycled that I bought for his cousin Blake.
 That evening we met up with Scott and Jess for dinner and then the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.
Too bad we weren't prepared....this would have been a perfect spot for engagement photos!
 Do you see the lonely lavender tulip?
 We thought we would be sneaky and use this photo in our Christmas card and say 
"Fred finally finished our backyard."
 This was the Italian Garden. Actually only half the length of the hillside.

 Love my pink blooms.
 Our Christmas card was also going to say we went to Holland.
 This is a view of Thanksgiving Point.
 Here's Fred.
 Now we are on Sunday afternoon before heading back home. Here Henry is checking out the fur on Grandpa's arms. His daddy doesn't have furry arms. 
 He is really checkin it out!
 What do you think Richard is doing?
 Garrett's masterpiece.
 Silly Spencer.
 Our family of grandsons - aren't they just cute as can be!
Those big brothers love their baby brother.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Phone Rings @ 11:30 PM

We're Engaged!

April 25, 2014

Great Times Ahead have come to pass.

Indeed - For Scott and Jess April 25th was the perfect date.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Las Vegas Adventures

Fred and I went to Las Vegas the last weekend of March to celebrate a belated Wedding Anniversary. We started out at Shannon's house for Friday night and Saturday morning & noon activities. Brian took all of us to an air show in Las Vegas. Brian is especially fond of airplanes. Here are some pictures of our little pilots.

Once outside the hanger, there were planes, helicopters and old cars all over the tarmac. 

 We set Buddy in this old car for a photo and we barely set him down and he was ready to get out. The car was really old and dirty and yucky. I don't blame him.
 These two photos are simply a historical record of how Mima holds her arms when you hold her. She is always straight up and arms back. She is so cute!
Besides seeing Shannon's family we had bought tickets to see this Vegas show on Saturday night and stay in a hotel downtown. Long story short, I got bad directions and by the time we got to our hotel room we actually looked at the tickets and the time was 5:30 PM for the show, not the 7:30 PM that we thought. It was 5:10 when we got to our room. We were hungry and didn't even know where we were going for the show or where to park. We opted to just forget even trying to go. 

Even though our plans didn't go exactly how we planned, it was still a nice weekend. We always enjoy being with Shannon & Brian and the babies.
 This is our official Anniversary Photo! 
Again with the Mima arms. Isn't she just a doll!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mima off to visit the Queen

There is a cute gift shop near my work. I frequent it often. It is there that I found this fabulous headband for Mima. I had no idea how it would look on her, but words can't describe her wearing it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Kind a silly I know

Okay so at work there are two office chairs assigned to the front desk. One for the receptionist and one for the night security. Well the security guards like the receptionist chair better. Although in my opinion, I think their chair is much more cushy and conducive to sleeping on the job which they do.

Nevertheless, they use my chair. Well overall I don't totally mind it, BUT while they are "working" they lean back on the chair, put their feet on the counter and rest the chair and their dirty head on the corner of the wall. How do we know this? Well the paint was chipping off the wall and the back side of both chairs were wearing off the fabric. So maintenance in December put a thick cardboard corner protector on the wall. Guess what, it started getting worn AND there was a huge grease stain on the cardboard from their greasy head. Now how stupid are these guys? 

So I was given the okay to leave them a note requesting they stop using my chair and to refrain from leaning against the wall. The next morning I come to work to find a reply to my note. Saying something to this affect. Well the chair for security is broken and after sitting so long my back gets sore and I have to lean back.

Really? So I gave up and Fred and I went out and bought me my own chair (as the company was no way going to put out for a new one). I got permission to roll it into an office that is locked at night so the Security people can't find it AND I gave my old chair to someone else. So There!

I made me this personalized slip cover to put on the chair at night so it won't disappear. 
What do you think?

At work in permanent marker I wrote on Hello Kitty's ear
"Gayle's chair. Paid for with my own money".

Take that!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Provo Surprise

This last weekend Fred and I planned a trip to Provo. We mainly wanted to see Scott as we hadn't seen him since Christmas. We wanted to surprise everyone, but I couldn't get a firm answer when I nonchalantly asked what their weekend plans were. I ended up calling Scott and he was happy we were coming. There was someone he wanted us to meet. Say Hi to Jess. We decided to keep it a surprise for Corinne. 
After Scott's birthday lunch at Texas Roadhouse and grilling of Jess (she was very poised!), we made our way to Corinne's. She was surprised! We just hung out at her place with the boys and I held Henry for a long long time. It was Corinne's stake conference, so she and Ben and Henry went to the Adult Session and we stayed home with the big boys. They were easy as pie that night. 

Bedtime snack - fruit salad. Richard contemplating his food.
 Spencer copying Richard.
 Richard's second expression.
 Oh Grandpa Fred always good to do guy things with the boys.
 Checkin out Garrett's plane thingy.
Here's our beautiful daughter with her little baby Henry.