
Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July with Shannon & Brian's family

For the three day weekend Shannon and Brian came up from Las Vegas. They got here about bed time Thursday night. The babies did some sleeping in the car on the way up so they had some unwinding to do when they arrived. Blake was very interested in my new Glider when he saw his Dad try it out. 
He did pretty good for a very little boy. 
Pretty much first thing Friday morning it was walking time with Grandpa. 
In our neighborhood, all the homes have flags posted by our ward's YM for all the patriotic holidays. 
It really looks nice to have the flags uniformly posted in front of all the homes. 
 Missy Mima in her sun bonnet before our outing.
 Across the street from where I work, a heavy road equipment sales and rental business moved in a few months ago. They have big equipment parked in front of their building. I knew Buddy would love going there. We drove over there and no one was in sight. He got to climb on a few of the big machines.

 Little Miss.
 Taking turns with their wheels.
 Grandpa Fred playing cars with Buddy.

Mima - well she is just a cutie. I really love having a granddaughter.

We bought a few water toys last year and finally got them out this year. 
We took Buddy to the Children's Museum that we have taken Corinne's boys to that they really enjoy. 
We think Blake enjoyed it too. 
 I didn't get to go with Corinne's boys last year because I was recovering from surgery
 so this was all new to me.
 This is Maggie the cow. You can milk her. Buddy is checkin it out.

 Brian is giving Mima a milkin lesson.
 Buddy is a pro.

Fred and I displayed pretty good grandparent skills when we told Brian and Shannon they could take off a few times and leave the babies behind. We remembered how to change diapers, feed babies, fix bottles and play with babies. We even got hugs from Buddy and Mima was smiling and not crying for her Mommy.
 It was a good weekend.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A little intro

Scott and Jess. Let me tell you what I observed about Jess so far.
She loves and adores Scott. Scott has never had that. He loves it. 
Jess is a happy and whole person. She is excited about life. 
Jess loves people by being generous, kind and by serving.
She loves to have fun and be silly. 
Jess is comfortable being herself. 
Focusing on her strengths and leaves the rest behind.
She seems to be very wise for her young years.
She is trusting. Never doubting, questioning or grilling Scott on the past.
She accepted Scott from the first moment and knew he was "The One".
God answers prayers. 
Her name is Jessica McGuire.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


A couple weeks ago I finally got an interview with the school district here for a position at the nearest High School. I made it to the first level of interviews for a high school secretary. It was a 5 minute get to meet the principal and answer a scenario and submit the answer on line to the principal. If he liked you and your answer, you would be selected to move on to the next level. I arrived to my meet and greet and found out it was for an attendance secretary position. Well that was a huge disappointment, but I figured I had to start somewhere. That is the least attractive secretarial position. I was quite charming and did extremely well. Precise, intelligent and to the point answers. My scenario answer must have been acceptable because I got the call back.

So the next week I returned for my interview before the panel of six. Let me tell you first, I suck at interviewing. For the life of me, I cannot answer in a short to the point neat form. I know the content I need to convey, but I go the long way around. I know it is nerves even though I don't think I'm nervous. It certainly did not help that some meds I'm taking are causing dry mouth. So the first answer I get into my lips start sticking to my teeth. I can barely form the words. I had to ask for water. Luckily there was a water dispenser right next to the table. Humiliating - Yes. Each panelist asked one question. Let me tell you right there. That is not the usual way of school district panel questioning. There is usually at least two questions each. That in itself tells you they already had someone selected. Anyway - the point is. I sucked and they already had someone they wanted.

When I walked out, I thought to myself they must have looked at each other and shook their heads and thought "what was that?". I was so depressed and so embarrassed for a couple of days. I started to do some soul searching. Why do I want to work for the school district? What is so attractive about that? Of course, it is the hours and all the days off. Then it came to me that I am in a different time in my life and a different place. I realized that I need to be working. The money, the socialization, and to not be home all the hours with just Fred and the summer hours in the heat. It made me admit to myself that Fred and I will never be that couple that go adventuring and exploring even though that was just about the main reason that we wanted a change in our lifestyle in moving here. We just are not those people. We are home bodies. He likes to dink around the house with projects and I like to be with people, watch TV, go out with friends and be in a work environment where I can be me.

So I'm not going to look for a school job anymore. I'm going to stick with my job. You know, I filled out my application on line at Express Professionals on Sunday night. They called me on Monday or Tuesday to come in for an interview and sent me to work on Wednesday. Ummmm - do you think that there was some divine guidance in this? I certainly do. There is a reason I am there. I do LOVE these people. AND I have stuff to do now. It is glorious. It is also so healthy for me emotionally to know that I acknowledge things about myself, me and Fred, and our relationship and what we truly are about and it's okay. We are who we are and we do what we do.

No I can't go stay with my children for weeks on end during the summer, but guess what? They are close enough that weekends are easy to do and we can do it more often. So - it's a nice compromise. Scott and Jess will be in Texas so that will not be the case, but life isn't perfect. We will figure that out.

So that is my latest life change and realization. I'm a working girl and have no plan on retiring in the near future. Fred has to have all the projects done. Backyard, shelves in all the closets in the house, sort through all his stuff in the office and set up the office, set up his garage and sort through and arrange our big closet in the hallway. Those are the only projects that I am aware of that exist that we came up with when we moved in. Now that does not mean he will not come up with more as days go by. You know he can come up with more at the drop of a hat. Those are the ones that I see need to be done. After those, I don't care. I can't see any that will affect my eyesight.

Picture of the Post

Friday, May 30, 2014

90th Birthday Installment II

 When I was talking to my Dad before he came for his birthday, we talked a bit about what to do when he was here. He mentioned a former friend went skydiving on her 80th birthday.

Well this was the best we could do for Dad.
At least the great grandsons got to go with him.
 Fred always gathers a bunch of stuff for the boys to play with. We had balls, kites, frisbees, and bubbles. This is Fred's wagon that he had as a little boy. His parents still have not actually given it back to him to keep. 
We are just "borrowing" it. 
Here are the baby cousins with Mommie/Auntie Corinne.

Monday, May 26, 2014

90th Birthday Weekend

We had a Daly Family Reunion this Memorial Day weekend. We gathered to honor my Dad's 90th birthday. I got to thinking we ought to plan a party for him in Bremerton and go home and visit everyone. A better idea came to mind. Fly Dad here and have all our kids come home. So that's what we did. 
Now we didn't do anything over the top special. Corinne took Dad's order for hid favorite treat which is apple pie and he also asked for lasagna. So we made Saturday's dinner lasagna and apple pie.

Corinne and Ben arrived first with their four boys. Followed by Scott. Shannon & Brian arrived at the end.
The only person missing was Jess. We were all pretty bummed that she wasn't able to come. 
Guess we will do it all again at the wedding!

Here are cousins Buddy and Spencer.

Big brother Richard with Henry.
 Mima chillin in the community high chair.
  Central play area.
 Buddy's favorite toy. Our little vacuum. He even liked it when it wasn't plugged in.
 Corinne and Henry at the park.
We had bubbles at the park. 
 Grandma & Grandpa Daly came for dinner and pie. 
 Grandpa Fred is the best. He took Buddy on a walk earlier in the day. After Blake's nap, I gave him his bottle and put him on the floor and he B-lined it straight to his Grandpa and snuggled in.
Shannon sent this picture the morning after they returned to Vegas and it was labeled
 "Missing Grandpa"
This video captures the weekend. My Dad is amazing. 
I should have taken more pictures. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Armed Forces Day Parade

My Dad has been walking or should I say marching in the Armed Forces Day Parade in Bremerton for probably 5 or 6 years now????? He looks forward to this event every year. The Military personnel salute, shake his hand and thank him for his service . Big burly bikers do too. Ladies come out from the crowd and give him a hug. He likes that. People want to take his picture or want to have their picture taken with him. He loves the attention he receives, but most of all he loves his country and that he was able to serve. 

Our family is proud of my Dad. He is a wonderful example of living. He is faithful in all things. He tries everyday to do what is right and be on the Lord's errand. He is always a missionary. Sharing the principles of the gospel with the people he works with or for. He is a Master of the scriptures, and is prayerful over all things. Even his daily work. He can tell you endless stories of praying over lost tools, solving an impossible work task and even finding work etc...

You know he will be 90 years old this Thursday and is still working.
Happy 90th Birthday Dad!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Our weekend in Provo

Fred and I drove up to Provo this last weekend to attend Ben's graduation from UVU. It has been a long journey for him, but he finally made it. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Accounting. I somehow was able to get this picture of him walking in. He is in the middle. When the time came for him to walk across the stage and have his name read, I was outside the auditorium with Henry and Fred was outside on the playground with Spencer and Garrett. Corinne was there recording the event. 

Poor little Henry was having a meltdown. I couldn't figure out why he was so hysterical. Turns out, he just wanted his Mommy.

This was Henry sitting so quiet and peaceful playing with his toes before the meltdown. 
 Here is Corinne and Ben after the ceremony.
The next morning Fred and I drove up the Provo canyon and stopped off at the Sundance Resort. We looked for Robert Redford, but he wasn't greeting guests that morning. Here we are.
 Later on we met up with Corinne's family and some of Ben's family at Trafalga in Lehi. This first picture is Garrett and Spencer on the Frog Hopper.
 I think this is a great shot of Garrett.
 Here is Garrett with Grandpa Fred in the Go Karts.
 I took this picture of Garrett. He was actually in the front seat of the plane, but this boy asked him if he would trade places and Garrett didn't hesitate to trade places. I thought that was a pretty sweet boy to do that. Garrett is just that way.
 I actually spent the entire time sitting here watching everyone. It was great.
I couldn't decide which picture was best of me with Henry, so I posted all of them. 

 Here is Corinne with Henry. He is sporting a hat that is being recycled that I bought for his cousin Blake.
 That evening we met up with Scott and Jess for dinner and then the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.
Too bad we weren't prepared....this would have been a perfect spot for engagement photos!
 Do you see the lonely lavender tulip?
 We thought we would be sneaky and use this photo in our Christmas card and say 
"Fred finally finished our backyard."
 This was the Italian Garden. Actually only half the length of the hillside.

 Love my pink blooms.
 Our Christmas card was also going to say we went to Holland.
 This is a view of Thanksgiving Point.
 Here's Fred.
 Now we are on Sunday afternoon before heading back home. Here Henry is checking out the fur on Grandpa's arms. His daddy doesn't have furry arms. 
 He is really checkin it out!
 What do you think Richard is doing?
 Garrett's masterpiece.
 Silly Spencer.
 Our family of grandsons - aren't they just cute as can be!
Those big brothers love their baby brother.