
Monday, March 11, 2019

February visit with Shannon & Kids

Shannon and the kids braved the snowy conditions and drove to see us from Denver.
I just love it when grandkids arrive and slip right in and start playing with whatever they find.
Coloring for Mima.
 Legos for Buddy.
Dolls and legos.
 I took off Friday and Monday so I could spend time with them. 
Fred doesn't work on Thursday & Fridays.
We went to the train park on Friday. It's amazing that they don't tire of riding this little train.
 Mima wanted to sit by me until she realized everyone else was going to be facing backward.
I ended up alone. 
Del Taco was lunch. It's great that they have a play area. That's what we always look for when considering what we want to eat.
 Home to setting up the race track.
 A balanced meal for Mima. I still have fun dishes for the kids, but I usually forget to get them out.
Saturday we visited the Temple grounds and the Visitor's Center.

Sunday we didn't go to church because Shannon forgot the kids church clothes. 

 Monday we went to the Children's Museum. Since the first time we went through the museum it has been improved drastically and is really so much more interesting and fun.

Tuesday I went back to work. 
Our closing activity was dinner at I Hop.
The kids love their happy face pancakes. Basically a chocolate pancake with chocolate chips.
 It was a good meal and our waiter was really great with the kids.
It's already been a month since they were here.
We had such a great time. We'll see them again in June.
I think Shannon is such a trooper to make that long drive to see us. 
I'm glad that the kids are good travelers. 
Now with Shannon being a stay at home Mom, maybe they will come more often. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Corinne & Clara come to town

Corinne and Clara came to visit.
They got to fly to see us all by themselves.
I think this is the 2nd time that Corinne has been able to come by herself for a visit.
The other time was when I had my foot surgery and she came to help take care of me for a few days.

They arrived on Friday afternoon. Somehow we found ourselves at Freddy's for a burger.
 Clara is quite the chubs. She is so soft and cuddly. I'm so glad that at this age babies don't really care who holds them. Isn't she just a doll!
 Look at her thighs. Squishy Squish.
Corinne is really having fun dressing Clara. 
We are so thrilled that she now has a daughter in her life.
 We made a visit to the Visitors Center.
 Here we are after church on Sunday. 
Four generations here.
 Fred didn't wear this T Shirt to church. We just didn't warn him before he got out of his church clothes that we were taking pictures.
 I love her expressions in these three pictures.
Maybe indifferent?
"If I have to".
 "Really Mom?"
 Clara has so many cute little outfits.
 On Sunday we went to visit the Daly's.
I got to have grandma duty keeping her occupied so Corinne was able to visit.
 Clara really talked up a storm while talking to her great grandma.
It was really sweet.
It was so wonderful to have Corinne and Clara all to ourselves for a few days.
She doesn't really look like any of her brothers. 
She definitely has her own look. I'm excited to watch Clara's changes as she grows. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Clouds & Rain in Phoenix

Fred and I found really cheap flights to Phoenix before Graham was born.
We guesstimated which month the baby blessing would take place and choose February. 
Unfortunately, Graham was hospitalized in January and so the blessing was rescheduled for March.
So we are getting two visits out of one event.

The afternoon we arrived it was pretty nice and sunny so we were able to spend a little time outside.
 Just like all little boys - Evan loves being outside.
 Scott is such a wonderful Dad and husband. I love watching him with his family.

 Fred slept quite a bit of the afternoon the first day. 
I guess Scott does a lot of catnapping too.
 This little man is so soft and cuddly. 
I don't think he looks much like Evan. 
Graham definitely has the McGuire genes.
I think he looks so much like Jess's brothers.
I started calling him Mr. McGuire.
 Overall I think Evan does pretty good with Graham.
Like all toddlers, you need to keep an eye on them.
Evan really loves sitting in this baby seat when Graham is not in it.
 Jess is so very good with the boys. She is creative and patient and doesn't get riled up.
She is definitely in her element.
 Jess and Scott are so good with their babies and each other. 
 Grandpa got his turns holding Graham. 
Graham didn't care who was holding him.  
He is a very relaxed little boy.
This is the one time that Fred sat in the middle and I was in the back.
Gravity makes it hard to lift myself up into the back. Honestly it's gravity.
 This was me in the back.
I love just having Graham lay next to me so I can watch him wiggle and stretch.
Babies are a wonder.
 In general his expression is kind of serious, but this baby has a great smile.
I love this picture of Scott with his boys.
Here is a comparison photo of the boys. 
 Evan was 4 months old and Graham is 2 months old in this picture.
Evan was premature so he started off pretty small, but he is at the top of the growth charts now.
Graham started out basically at 10 lbs. So we have two really BIG grandsons here and I'm excited to watch them grow.
Our visit was just right. 
Fred and I are very content to hang out at home. If you include some good food, it's a done deal. 
We went to the park for a short time, Fred and I went out to lunch while Scott and Jess got the boys ready for naps. When we got back, it was their turn. 
We're headed back next month. Yippee!!!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Meeting Graham

So Friday morning we received a call from Scott asking if they could stop by for the night on their way to Riverton. YES YES and YES.
Graham is soft, cuddly and so sweet.
I really enjoyed holding him. That is after Fred was done. 
He seems to be quite a content little boy.
Evan had some fun on the Daly Family Train.
He also really enjoys playing the piano.
Whenever Scott and Fred are together, they talk about home electronics.
Compare notes on what each of them have. Scott usually has very good products to share with Fred.
Scott is a great Dad. We are so proud of Scott & Jess. They are loving parents and such a strong team together. I love to watch how they support each other.

They left in the morning so the following pictures are from their visit up north.
Cuddly Bear!!
This must be after time outside in the snow with a knit hat on. 
Pretty cute I say.
Evan really enjoyed playing in the snow. 
 Playing in the snow and with cousins really wore him out.
 This is a picture from their return trip. We had them for one more night.
That's my wild hair.
I'm so glad they came. The babies traveled really well for them. That's a huge blessing.
We will see them in another month for Graham's blessing.
I can't wait!!!