
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today is my Dad's 88th birthday. I honor him for his hard work and unwavering discipleship to his testimony and love of God & Jesus Christ. His life gives me hope.
My Dad is not without imperfections.
As each year passes, he becomes more polished and perfected.
His influence reaches people from all walks of life.
Always a missionary of the gospel.
Always reaching down to offer his hand to help others up.

 He loved and honored my Mother. He took care of her as she got weaker and unable to perform daily functions. Through their faith and righteousness, I believe Heavenly Father blessed my Mom with a quick decline and peaceful passing. Caring for my Mom was a blessing for my Dad. Watching him be gentle and nurturing was a wonderful experience. He had not always been that way.

I am so thankful that my life and choices have been a source of joy for my parents.
Fred and I have been blessed with a posterity that has brought joy to my parents, although
there has been some sorrow. But their example gives us the strength to know
that there is more joy ahead. That each day is another step
toward eternal life and joy.

I love You Dad. Thank you for cherishing me.


cindy said...

Happy Birthday to your dad! We just love him. He's done so much for our family. For years he was Luke's home teaching companion, when Luke was struggling in his teenage years, your dad had a calming way about him. I just noticed yesterday we still have the stilts he helped Toby make in cub scouts. I loved the way he had them sing (Taps?) at the end of each meeting. On Saturday I turned on channel 5 just as they were doing a story about him! I was so excited, and to think he can still fit in his Navy uniform! I was talking to him inbetween meetings in the chapel a few months ago, and he was so cute when he pulled out his smart phone and was scrolling down it---when most people his age don't even own a cell phone! I love that picture of your mom and dad at their anniversary celebration. I didn't realize until now how much of a resemblance there is with your mom and Scott, can you see that? Anyway, tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the Redd family!

benandcorinne said...

Lovely tribute to darling Grandpa!