
Monday, January 11, 2016

A really nice weekend

So I really enjoyed this last weekend. 
To start off every weekend, we go out to dinner.
We had a gift card and a certificate for a free appetizer at Texas Roadhouse so that's where we went.
We never order appetizers because it just fills you up, but since it was free we got sucked in.
We ordered their cheese fries so I ordered a side Caesar salad and two skewers of grilled shrimp.
I wasn't going to eat their rolls, but I caved and ate two. They really are not that fantastic except when you eat them as soon as they set them down nice & warm.

We've been working on cleaning up our eating and have been doing really well. Meaning not really any treats, chips and are adding lots of fish, veggies and smoothies made with spinach. So we splurged and went to Burger King (another gift card) and I got a carmel sundae and Fred ordered their snicker pie piece.

After Saturday chores and a certain amount of nesting, we headed to see Star Wars.
Surprisingly, we had not had any lunch yet... (hehehe) so we decided to split a Marv's burger & fries.
Still within better eating habits when you share.
Then since we were in the splurging mentality of the weekend we walked across the parking lot to Grandma Tobler's Bakery and bought these cookies.
 The best part of this moment really was the fact that we sat outside at a little table with mid weight jackets on in the beautiful sunshine. We have just finished a week that was Pacific Northwest weather. I can't handle gray skies anymore. 
 I think that Fred actually might love cookies more than I do. Or maybe it just seems that way because he eats more of them than I do. You know, I try to be "good" (HA)
 So after all the eating, we went to see the show.
I'm not a big Star Wars fan by any means, but this really was good.
Now I didn't care for the Finn actor or the Jet Pilot Ace actor, but the actress who played Rey, she was good. I hope they don't pursue anything between Finn and Rey. I'm not feeling it.
 After the show, we went home and watched the original Star Wars. We own all of the DVDs. 
A couple other thoughts about the movie. Harrison Ford we have seen through the years as he has aged. He did look older, but you know it's him. Carrie Fisher on the other hand...if you didn't know it was her I would have never matched her to the original Leia. She didn't look old or frumpy at all, but she just didn't look anything like her former self. Maybe if she would have colored her hair dark...I don't know. It was just weird.
And then some random.....
On Friday sitting at my desk I looked out and see this tank driving down the road.
Today, I look out the window and see this hot air balloon. We have a lot of these around here and usually flying above and around our neighborhood. Today though this balloon was traveling really low to the ground way out here. He did shift course and go back up and continued south.
Oh and one more tidbit from the weekend. 


cindy said...

You guys really know how to do weekends well. We should take some lessons from you! Love your selfies.

benandcorinne said...

Ha-gotcha dad! Dad has ALWAYS loved cookies!