
Monday, January 18, 2016

Working on health

Fred and I are making changes in our lifestyle because we have had a health screening that came back with very unhappy numbers for both of us. We have decided together, that we need to make some changes and get ourselves in a better state of health. It just so happens that our medical insurance has a program where you can participate in health screenings and other online programs and earn points towards rewards.... It is a dollar per point value and these are the rewards that we have earned and now have at home. Plus we both got a fitbit for Christmas.

This is our stationary bike. Right now it is in the living room in front of the TV. Fred is using it more than I am. In fact, I've only really been on it once. I hate seats. This may be his.
We haven't inflated this yet. It came in a set I ordered. It had the step below, this ball and a DVD with exercises. I haven't looked at the DVD yet, but I will. 

 I ordered this digital food scale. I do weight my proteins most of the time for my salads. I have been using my scale from LA Weight Loss, but this is so much cooler.

At work I sit. A LOT. I figure, it can't hurt. I ordered this to take to work to put under my desk. I should be getting up out of my seat about every hour at east, but this will help with movement and increase my step count on my fitbit. I don't know if it will work out, but it's worth a try.

 I've had a Giselle Glider for over a year. At first, I didn't use it because it made the bottom of my feet feel weird. It was very annoying. My friend told me it takes time for your foot to get use to the motion and movement in your shoe. Well I have finally crossed over that weird feeling and I am using this a lot. I fit in at least 10 minutes before work and sometimes longer. I also use it at night when I want to watch TV. I'm starting the Friends series on Netflix again. 

I bought new walking shoes and a sweatshirt to bring to work so I can walk on my lunch hour. Sometimes I don't take an hour so walking does fit in the time, but sometimes I do and eat at my desk. It really depends on the weather. I don't walk in the summer and sometimes it is too cold.

I also use our weight bench about two mornings a week. Nothing heavy duty. There are only two movement I can do on the weight bench because I don't use the leg press thing - it's bad for your knees. Another move I can't reach the "paddles". I also use 5 lb hand weights for three movements on the floor. It's not much, but I know strength training is really important.

It is nice that we are in this together. I hope we can improve our numbers by the time we have our next screening  AND keep it up until we die. 


cindy said...

I really like that you and Fred are doing this together. Although Keith and I will work on some plans together really well, what works best for me is to have a girlfriend as a partner with this kind of stuff. It just works better! Let me know how that under the desk pedal thing works for you. I'd worry that I'd hit my knees--maybe your desk has more space.

benandcorinne said...

You're awesome mom-so proactive!