
Monday, March 28, 2016

This is what makes charismatic people so attractive

I know - Tony Robbins, but a friend posted this on Facebook and it was exactly what I needed to watch Saturday morning.

This is exactly what I do. More often than I like to admit, I get locked into this cycle of what I expected to have happen or expected to have or experience. Then I get so dark in my mind and unable to be happy or content with my life. It's almost impossible to snap out of it until it has run it's course or I miraculously come upon something like this, or something someone says, or recall something that knocks me back into the reality of all the goodness in my life. Then back on the track of my good life I go.

So anyway - copy and paste this link to watch the short clip and put it in your pocket to take out the next time you find yourself having a pity party.

My greatest blessing.

1 comment:

cindy said...

This is really great, Gayle. Thanks for sharing. We were just talking about this very thing in Relief Society on Sunday, about people in our lives who we really want to be around, and what is it about that person that is so positive. I think we all fall into the negative trap at times, because that is LIFE! But this is such a great reminder to always be counting our blessings.