
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mother's Day

So we have Mother's Day this Sunday. Here is my favorite picture of my Mom. She had it taken at the beauty parlor she use to go to in Carson City, Nevada. It just happened they had someone that day taking glamour shots. I love this picture. 

After we moved away from Canoga Park, CA in 1969, my Mom remained pen pals with a friend there and used the pen name of Mrs. Gotchalks. I think this is a fitting picture of her for that identity.

Mom passed away in July of 2010 at age 87. Almost six years ago. How is that possible that she has not been on this earth for so long? I grow to love her more and more as the years pass. I realize now that there was so much more to learn from her. 

I have become more aware that Mom ALWAYS had a cheery disposition. I can only recall one instance where she said something kind of negative about someone. It was my Primary teacher. She said "she wears too much mascara". The only other negative comment she would make came as she was advanced in her age and felt more sensitive to people who did not seem to give her the attention or treatment she felt befitting a woman of advanced years. She did not like to be "set aside" so to speak. 

I miss her. I wish I could honor her this Sunday in person.
I hope that my life for the most part brings her joy.

I hope she will be the one there to welcome me as I pass through the veil.  

 Toehead Taye 
Actually her given name is Elinor Taye Ensign

I'm pretty sure this is her missionary photo. 
She served a two year mission in the Northern States mission.
Here is my Mom's family. Dad - H.D. (Horace Darwin) Ensign, 
Laurine Ensign (the mother who raised her. Mom's mother Zelma died when Mom was 2 years old), 
In the back left to right: little brothers Gaylord Ensign and Tad Ensign. 
This is Mom's mother Zelma Webb Ensign. She died at age 24 1/2.

Wedding Day September 13, 1949
Sealed in the St. George Temple
I'm going to be so happy to see my Mom again,
Happy Mother's Day Mom!!
I love you!!!!


cindy said...

Your mom was the cutest--and everything you said about her being so positive and cheerful is how I remember her. I love all these pictures. I can see so much of your children in her features. And how cute is your dad in their wedding picture?! I know your mom is prouder of you than you'll ever know.

Craig said...

Thank you for posting this Gayle. Mom is my hero/heroine. She made my life so much better than it would have otherwise been.