
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Just a few things in July

This is the phonograph that Fred's Grandpa Howes ordered from Sears and Roebok a zillion years ago. Fred said it was old when he saw it as a little boy.
It was left out in a covered patio at his Grandpa's house in Junction.
Fred was able to get this after his parent's passed away.
We found a friend who restores antiques.

The back panel was in the worse shape.
You can how it is peeling away.

This is the same piece after restoration.

It's a beautiful accent piece now.
We'll put it in our living room in our new home in Colorado.
We met with Corinne's family for our scheduled week at Park City. 
Sunday through Sunday.
Here we are directing traffic in the parking garage.
I didn't take many pictures this time because we pretty much do the same thing when we are together. All the pictures look the same. I decided just to live in the moment instead of behind the camera.
Fred purchased some cards for the boys to play in the game room. 
It was a so so activity. Lots of frustrations.

We spend most of the time in the pool or in the room playing games. 
Eating is also an activity we enjoy together.
Corinne and Ben did the cooking. 

We did have a nice time together. They left Thursday morning for a day at Lagoon.

Fred and I rode the gondola in downtown Park City. It ended up not being a very fun experience.
It was so hot and the ride kept stopping. What should have been an hour round trip, turned out to be 1 and 1/2 hours. It broke down for about 20 minutes. I thought I was going to have heat stroke.Thank goodness we stopped and bought this hat for me. I don't think I would have survived without it.
When I wasn't dwelling on how hot I was, it really was beautiful up there.

Here is the sunburn I got. I had on capri pants and flip flops.
Fred and I took a day to drive over to Farmington to visit with his cousin Jim and his wife Candace. Also toured his son Greg's new very fancy home. After that we drove over to see Jay and Carolyn is uncle. Very nice to spend time with them. 
On the way home on Sunday we met my brother Craig and his wife Lynette for lunch. 
It was nice to get home.

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