
Monday, June 6, 2011

Self Compassion Diet

So I bought this book. I don't remember now what magazine I was reading, but there was an article about weight loss that caught my eye can you imagine that? It's called "The Self-Compassion Diet" A Step-by-Step Program to Lose Weight with Loving-Kindness by Jean Fain. Now doesn't that sound interesting and wonderful? I totally identified with the emotions and words in the article so I ran home and ordered the book. Here is a quote that I read in it tonight. "

"One of the delights of life is eating with friends, second to that is talking about eating. And, for an unsurpassed double whammy, there is talking about eating while you are eating with friends".

Can you identify with that statement. I sure can. I just had to share it. So far the book seems half and half mumbo jumbo, but I'll keep reading. This is way better than counting calories or depriving myself. I'll love myself with kindness while I eat.

This are the six "Practices" they teach you in the 1st chapter of the book.

Metta: Loving-Kindness Meditation - "May I set aside shame and accept my body" this is what I picked for my metta statement.
Compassionate Advisor: A guided Visualization - I don't like visualization exercises
Compassionate Note to Self: A Writing Exercise - I'm already doing a lot of writing with other "issues" in addition to my weight obsession
Compassionate Glasses: A Guided Visualization - again, don't like visualization exercises
Head-to-toe Appreciation: A Guided Visualization - actually I kind of do this sometimes
Tonglen: Give-and-Take Meditation - sounds too complicated

Anyway this is what I'm into currently.


Lorraine Butler said...

Are you still working on this?? Sounds useful.

Gayle Daly said...

Not sense the day I posted this. I get side tracked.Sometimes I feel like I'm juggling too many thought and behavior processes. Sometimes I get tired and just watch tv. That always helps me escape! Thanks for checking on me.