
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Relief Society Broadcast

Thoughts that came to me during the broadcast that I want to put into newest attempt at daily scripture study was reading the scriptures listed for each hymn. I started at the beginning of the hymnbook....but I'm going to take it up a notch (in addition to getting back to it) and sing the hymn first, then read the scripture. This will replace my morning facebook & blog time. Then if I have more time after everything else that is more important is done....exercise...getting dressed, eating breakfast and making my lunch...then I get to spend time on facebook & my blog.

Other comments that "I heard" were being spiritually there for other sisters (i.e. or family etc)....I don't always feel that I can do things. Other good friends are more doers in service...actually getting in and doing something for someone else. I'm not very good at that. But I do truly love ferociously the sisters in our ward. I have become especially fond of our young mothers. I admire them so much. They are so much better equipped to raise their children now. So much better educated, spiritually leaps and bounds ahead of where I was in my day. I want to be their personal cheerleader and in their head everyday reassuring them that they are awesome and being such competent and perfect mothers for their children.

I like this new General RS funny hairdos or accents that are distracting...isn't that awful? Anyway, I am very grateful that I went and for my date and for the moments I had to connect with so many of my wonderful friends from other wards. I do love people...I forget my worries and woes when I engage with my friends. What a blessing friends are!


cindy said...

Gayle, you are definitely a spiritual strength to your friends and sisters you serve. Was it Henry B. Eyring who was saying that one person cannot do everything, that there should be other people to help with serving? I don't think we need to worry about the "physical doing things", if our strengths are spiritual ones, those are just as important, maybe even more.

I really like the new RS board too. They seem more human, as in "not perfect". Like the story about going on trek, but she was so out of breath with her heart pounding---so human! And the other sister who was sharing about when her husband was sick and she just stopped praying for a while, I think there were people listening who could relate and she really touched them. It was such a good broadcast, so full of the spirit.

Lorraine Butler said...

I didn't get to the broadcast, but I listened to the talks later. They were all inspiring, and you and Cindy are right--they all seem down-to-earth.

It seems like you're preparing to move away, and evaluating the relationships you have here. Good for you for living in the moment!