
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Catching up

Here are my big grandsons....I don't see any toddlers here. All growing up.

 Corinne in a corn bin....
 The entire family during their Las Vegas trip to see Shannon & Family.
 Where can I buy one? Looks like it would be very handy to own one of these.
 Little Buddy made new friends. Richards his oldest Daly cousin.
All three boys seemed quite smitten with him.
 Bundled up and prepared for Utah's winter.


cindy said...

They really are getting big. How fun for those boys to have another boy for a cousin---so cute! Little Buddy's getting pretty big himself.

Lorraine Butler said...

Sweet children. It's not hard to see why Corinne's boys would enjoy Little Buddy. It's been a while since there was a baby at their house!