
Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Mom

I'm missing my Mom. I'm surprised how much deeper that feeling grows the more time passes without her. I just didn't grasp the depth of her presence and her influence in all that I do. Her death has brought about this realization for me.
I wish she were here. I think one of God's gifts to Mothers is the ability to make our children feel safe and loved no matter what.


cindy said...

I'm so sorry about you missing your mom. I think its especially hard around the holidays, when our moms did so much to create traditions and love and made our homes the center of everything. I know she is watching over you and your family, even though its so hard to grasp that at times. You just want them THERE with you. I've been trying harder to be the best mom and grandma I can be, to do just what you said, to make my family feel safe and loved no matter what. Your mom was a most exceptional lady. I know she is so proud of you.

cindy said...

ps---what a darling picture of her, did she go to glamour shots to have that done?

cindy said...

Hey Gayle, did you not get my first comment about your mom? (you don't have to post this). I've been having comment problems on my blog, just wondered if other people were too.

Gayle Daly said...

Yes, your comment appeared. My mom's hair dresser back in Carson City asked her to have the glamour shot taken at her salon. I love this picture of my Mom. this is how I see her.