
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crib delivery

Fred and I went shopping to a consignment furniture store a few weeks ago. We found a pretty crib that we thought Shannon might like for Copper. They had not purchased one yet as Little Buddy will still be in his crib. They said they would like it so we bought it. This weekend we delivered it to them in Las Vegas along with a birthday present for Brian. His birthday was the 17th. Anyway we had a nice stay in the Drees Bed and Breakfast. Enjoyed play time with Little Buddy and visiting with Shannon & Brian. We managed to fit the crib and our over night stuff in my new little Elantra truck. It was impressive that Fred could make it all fit, although in his packing, he forgot his own bag of overnight supplies. He made a trip to Wal Mart when he discovered he had no luggage. Luckily he had forgot his suit there our last trip so he did have clothes for Sunday.

Grammie and Grampie bought Little Buddy his first bag of Animal Crackers. As you can see, he liked them.

Little Buddy has the cutest little front teeth. He also has grown out of the walking style of monkey arms in the air. Shannon pointed out and I agree, that although Little Buddy looks so much like his Daddy, his head, ears and eye shape is Shannon all the way. He is such a nice combination of both parents.

I asked Brian to bake me a loaf of one of his yummy homemade breads. He bakes the best stuff and is also a super yummy cook. We enjoyed some bread toasted tonight with our chicken soup dinner. The last two visits following an evening of Brian creating his masterpieces in the kitchen, I do come through the kitchen and clean up so I do earn our keep.

I also went line dancing tonight with a work friend. It is kind of wierd to be in a totally new environment. Overall, I find that all women laugh at the same things and act basically the same silly way. I fit right in. My feet are tired and the muscles on the side of my upper thighs were burning. I guess I don't side shuffle very often.

1 comment:

cindy said...

I can't believe how big Little Buddy is looking! Please keep us all posted on the baby progress---both of them. I'm happy you're finding lots of fun new friends and things to keep you busy and laughing.