
Monday, August 17, 2015

Scott and Jess come to visit

Scott and Jess are on a road trip.
Texas ~ Utah (various places)
They have a busy itinerary. They left San Antonio on Monday.
They spent Wednesday evening with Corinne. 
Look at this great picture on the camera timer!
They pulled up to our home Thursday evening.
 Turns out all four of us have been watching the new TV show Astronaut Wives.
It peaked their interest in the astronaut program so they listened to an audio book on their trip.
Perfect timing to pull out Fred's scrapbooks. He has three this size. 
He kept them as a boy. I finally had him convinced to get rid of them when we moved here.
They were set aside to give away/throw away. 
But thanks to the keen eye and kind heart of my good friend Tina San Fellipo,
she saved them from the pile and stored them at her house for two years.
She just brought them to us in June.
Show and Tell for Fred.
 I took Friday off from work.
We went through an endowment session at the St. George Temple.
Jess's parents were sealed here.
My parents were also sealed here.
We showed them around inside the best we could for what we have figured out so far.

It was about 100 degrees and humid outside. The weather was icky hot all weekend.
Jess and I equally HATE hot weather.
We went out to a late lunch after the temple and then home for homemade dessert.
Blackberry Pie made by our own in house Pastry Chef. It was yummy~licious!
 Saturday my company had a Barbeque. We went but didn't stay long. It was so stinkin hot.

After that, we went down to the Daly's to introduce Jess to the family
card game of Hand and Foot.
It was pretty comical to listen to all the rules and terms flying around the table. 
I know she felt like she was never going to catch on.
Not a problem. She went out first every time. In Hand and Foot Terms - the Boss.Saturday night we went to a local Musical Theater to see West Side Story.
It was really good. 

Sunday was Church. It was a pretty big deal because Delna came. 
She doesn't always make it to church. This is Fred's sister Sharlotte and her husband Randy.

 We also had a nice family dinner at our house after church.
 Slow Cooker Pork Roast, gravy, coucous (new introduction from Scott & Jess), 
canteloupe, and homemade ice cream with toppings.
Scott and Jess were able to share  video clips from their wedding and receptions and their first year video montage plus the pictures of their new home. Scott makes video montages of all their events.  

We enjoyed a relaxing time together. 
We were able to spend time looking at home movies of Scott.
Jess got to look through all of the photo albums to see Scott growing up.
Yes I would say it was a fantastic time together.
Pretty easy to have a good time with these two.


cindy said...

I'm so glad you had such a great visit with them. I didn't realize Scott and Jess were so tall (compared to Corinne and Ben!) Is that your kitchen? I am officially jealous! Love it.

Gayle Daly said...

Yes Scott and Jess are way taller than Corinne and Ben. The last picture is my kitchen. I do still miss my Bremerton kitchen. After Fred's remodel, it was perfect.