
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Gem of the Week - Spencer

Spencer will be turning seven on January 1st.
My fondest memories of Spencer are from the time when Corinne and the boys lived with us.
He had just turned one year old. 
During this time, Spencer went to daycare while Corinne worked.
I got to pick Spencer up most everyday.
At the beginning he would cry and come running. Progressively, he got more comfortable there and would be engrossed in play when I arrived. He was such a beautiful cutie pie. It really was wonderful to have a little baby in the house for that time. 

Here is Spencer "sleeping" beside Henry.
 I think a good word to describe Spencer is "Imp"
Maybe not that he is truly mischievous, but he truly has that look. 

 Spencer is a handsome boy. He is doing really well in school. His teacher gives him high praise.
I think Spencer gets a little lost in the brotherhood. I feel like he wants to please and get along with his older brothers. Between all the boys, I feel like he is the one that has deep thoughts and is a survivor.
He also has such beautiful big brown eyes. Even though I don't get as involved with these boys and play (it's a granpa thing), I would love to sit with Spencer and read a book. Just sit close by. I kind of miss the closeness I felt with him when he was a baby.
Spencer will always hold a special place in my heart.


cindy said...

He is adorable. I love the blond hair brown eyes combo. So cute.

Benjammin said...

Mom you're so sweet!! Thank you for sharing such beautiful comments about my boys!!!