
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just a quick note

So pretty much ever since we moved here I have had spent many hours in my head having a conversation something like this
"I'm nobody in this ward. I miss playing the piano for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
I hate that I will never be anyone here. This ward is so big and there are so many people. I will never make a difference or matter. I'm simply not important to anyone here".

I was in my head having that conversation again on Sunday. I don't know what finally possessed me, but I finally received this personal revelation.

"It doesn't matter about all of those things, what matters is your relationship with Fred and how you live your life together."

I have felt great relief once I realized "Oh My Gosh" that is what matters.
Fred is my constant companion forever. I need to make "us" be the focus of my energies instead of living in the past. 

Living in the past is so unhealthy. I've actually come to realize that "right now" this moment is how we need to live our lives. Make each moment the best it can be. Don't worry about the past or what is ahead.


Jessica Daly said...

Thank you for this, I really needed to hear this today. I'm so glad you found your happy! What a great post on Fred!

cindy said...

Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.