
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Meeting Clara

Fred and I flew to Idaho for Clara's Blessing.
She was in the kitchen when we got here.
This was our first sighting of her in person. 
  Now these are all the pictures from my cell phone.
Here is Grandpa Fred.
 He was happy to hold her.
 He still has the knack. I remember him holding our babies just like this.
 I got to hold her A LOT!!!!!
 There was a bit of competition with Spencer for holding her.
 I don't like that I won't see her again for longer than I like to acknowledge.
Grandpa Fred played games with the boys all weekend.
Both of us really enjoyed our time with Henry.
He has really grown up. 
 Spencer cuddles Clara the most. He is the most tender with her.
 The timing was perfect for us to attend a Christmas Nativity Concert for Garrett and Spencer.
It was an amazing performance. Fred and I have attended a lot of high school string concerts.
None were ever as good as this one. There was not a single sour note played. 
It was all beautiful.
 Ben's parents and his sister Stephanie's children attended.
Here we all are.
 Here is a group photo.
Garrett and Spencer on the end on the right.
 There was an outdoor Nativity that was something else.
Fire pits that were very warm. It was quite a production.
 Saturday everyone came to our hotel to swim. 
Our hotel was fabulous. One of the nicest rooms we've had in a long time.
We want to stay here from now on. It was pretty close to Corinne's.
 Here's the gang with Fred.
 Ben had to leave for a choir practice.
 We went back to Corinne's and spent the day playing games.
I even played games. It was fun.
I went to Walmart a couple of times to buy Corinne some stuff.
Sunday morning we woke up to snow.
 Here is everyone who came for Clara's blessing.
My Dad, Margo and Gary, Stephanie and her family and us.
It was a really wonderful gathering. I'm so glad we could be there for this special day.
I'm so grateful for Clara coming to this family.
She brings a softness and tenderness to the boys.
 Here she is. It's funny how I'm so used to looking at Corinne's boys. 
Clara, she just doesn't look like any of the boys. She has a completely different look.
Not like Corinne, not like Ben. She will be fun to watch as she develops into her little self.
When Corinne called to tell me she was expecting, I was shocked and honestly, not happy.
It was not my plan for her. Now I am so grateful and thankful for this little girl.
She is part of God's plan for our family.

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