
Sunday, October 2, 2011


It has been a little over a month since Scott and Catherine were married and off to Provo to start their new life together. This has presented an opportunity for Fred and I to do the same. We had a short review of where we have been and how we have been feeling. Next we shared where we want to be and how we want to feel. Let me say that we have laughed more, been more aware of being kind and respecting each other's needs and letting go of getting stuff done and living more in the moment. I am aware that more of the change has been from within myself. My focus has been all about me and my wants and desires and what I deserve. I don't know when things switched into this new line of thinking, but it is a welcome change. I look at Fred and reflect on his goodness and the discipline he shows in how he lives. He has never faltered as I have been all over the page on my emotional roller coaster the last few years. I am so grateful that he has stood beside me even though I didn't acknowledge his efforts. I have experienced for myself and KNOW that we cannot change others - only ourselves. Let's figure out what we need to change about ourselves so we can have the life that we desire!