This morning I need to do a little self therapy. So be prepared for deep insight into my psyche., but first a little humor/intrigue/dishonesty/foolery.
A dear neighbor set an example that I decided to emulate.....
I will not elaborate.......
Now onto my self therapy. I have a fairly "strict" routine in the morning. I'm consistent at least three weekday mornings, but usually four. I don't count the weekend. This routine consists of yoga, breakfast, metmucil with liquid vitamins, chiro stretches....and also a challenge to brisk walk 10 minutes followed by weight lifting in the evening. (Not so consistent with that yet). Anyway this morning was one of those mornings that I felt if I had to do this one more time I would explode. That puts me into freeze mode. I don't do anything. Then I start to beat myself up because I can go for days and really enjoy it and feel so good about my consistent work. I hate days like today.
So....I went outside and "planted" my flowers and then trimmed to the stump our hydrangea that was out of control. Working on a little sweat I felt like I had taken care of my "exercise" portion of the day.
Went in the backyard to seat on our swing and enjoyed swinging and relaxing in the cool shade. Then as I looked around and began to think of all the work that we still have before us to get the house tidied up to sell....It's just so overwhelming. These thoughts bring me back to freeze mode and I'm hungry.
I know what you are thinking....BUT I DIDN'T COME INSIDE AND EAT. I GOT A DRINK OF WATER. It works!!!
Okay so I'm going to skip my "routine" and just enjoy the rest of the day. I'm cutting me some slack!