
Sunday, July 1, 2012

I love Primary

I don't have a picture to go with this post, but I have to publicize how I feel today about Primary. There was magic in the air for me today. First was the amazing intelligence of a six year old...the question was "how long is three minutes?" He raised his hand and said 180 seconds. Really - I didn't even know how to answer the question in the first place....this child is from a family that nurtures and stretches their children in healthy ways. I asked for a volunteer to recite an article of prompting, nor preparation...she recites an article of faith without hesitation....and it wasn't one of the standard ones....I wish I could remember which one now...We also ask the children to come forward and share experiences from their week how they choose the right. The kids come up in masses. They are beginning to stretch more in their experiences... not just cleaning their rooms. We talked about fasting & prayer today. These Primary children know about this. They are being taught in their homes. There is no pretense in Primary. No one trying to prove ourselves to anyone else. Life is what it is. We teach the basic principles and bear testimony of them each week....then all we can do is pray that the children are internalizing the Spirit that they felt and hopefully the principle we teach. I find myself sitting in the back of the room with a smile and a feeling of such gratitude and joy that I'm in Primary.


Carrie said...

I have been thinking that exact same thing. I really do feel blessed that I get serve in the primary. I'm hoping they put me back there when we are done with our D.C. trip next year. I have loved this calling! The kids really are amazing.

Michael and Denise said...

I also love Primary. I'm glad it was a good Sunday.