
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Oh My Gosh

My Blog is Possessed. I have been trying to add a post since Friday night. I have ended up with three Google Accounts, but I actually think that now all three have the same password. I am kind of proud of my self that through trial and error I went in and cleared my cookies from the past week and here I am. Holy Hannah!

Lorraine and Tina arrived on Friday night. I can't possibly put into words how wonderful it was to be together. How is it even possible that friendships are so wonderful and glorious. We haven't seen each other for two years and it was just like yesterday that we were together. The weather here could not have been more perfect. Not too hot. That is all I could have asked for.

Saturday morning we visited Brigham Young's home. I've never been. Most of the furnishing were period pieces, but there were some authentic pieces placed about the home.

 This is a mulberry tree that Brigham Young planted while he lived here. The trunk split in the 1970s.
This is the china used while Brigham Young lived here.
This is the every day ware. They would put boiling water in the large plates and place the smaller plates full of food to rest in it to keep the food warm. No microwaves in those days.
This is Amelia's travel chest. It was built larger than others in that day. Also rounded on the top so nothing could be set on it. So it was placed on the wagon last and removed first when thy arrived.
This is Amelia's nurse's cap and peacock feather fan.
Brigham Young's chair. He was BIG.
The table was used by Brigham Young. He played games at the table with his grandchildren.
Next we went to Jacob Hamblin's home.
This room was used for school, community and church meetings.
This chair was made of cow hide.
He provided lodging for people passing through.
Next stop was the Tabernacle. The chairs came from the Salt Lake Temple in the 1950s.
This is the pulpit that Lorenzo Snow received his revelation about paying tithing.
After this, we went out to the parking lot and found I had locked my keys in the car. Luckily our lunch plans were at a restaurant right up the block. I had left my cell phone at work so it took three calls to Fred before he decided to pick up because he didn't recognize the number. By then we had finished lunch and were walking to the Temple. The weather was perfect thank goodness. We went through some of the displays at the visitor's center. Once Fred arrived to the Visitor's Center to deliver my keys, we headed home.

We went to the Tuachan outdoor theatre to see Disney's When You Wish a new Musical. It was fantastic and the weather was just right. Just got "sweater" cool about the last 1/2 hour.
Sunday was church and my ward represented themselves very well. People talked us up good and were friendly. No embarrassing testimonies and we had a really good Gospel Doctrine and Relief Society Lesson. A good church day. We went to a concert in the evening that was across the street from the Temple in the grass at a church building. It was songs about the temple performed by a Primary choir and sister missionaries and then a family that performs celtic music on violin, guitar, harp and a drum of some kind.
 I asked Lorraine to make homemade bread for dinner. I made Lorraine and Tina aprons as a thank you gift for coming to see me. Isn't this a great picture of them! I love it and them too!
I took work off on Monday. We went to Charming Charlies (jewelry, accessories) to shop. We tried the used book store first, but it was closed. Spent some good time in the store and bought some fun stuff. After lunch at Kneaders, we went to the movie to see Woman in Gold. It was really good. We recommend it!
Grocery shopping and then home to hang out the rest of the day.

This morning it was time to say goodbye.
I can't believe they have come and gone already. I have been anticipating their trip here for weeks and weeks. It could not have been a more perfect time together. 
My friends, sisters forever!


cindy said...

What a fun weekend, and what dear friends to come and see you! I haven't seen Tina in forever, even though our wards overlap. Either she goes out of the chapel on the opposite side of where we are or something. All of you look wonderful! Is that your front door you're standing in front of? SO cute!

cindy said...

I love your new blog look----very classy!