
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Gem of the Week #6

Henry Ensign Thornton is Gem #5.
Youngest of our grandchildren so far being two days younger than Mima.
Being that these two babies were so close together on due dates, I could only get off work to help with one. My days of prolonged days off with the school district were over and I didn't realize until later, that my company would have accommodated more time off.
Corinne had sister in laws and I think Margot (Ben's Mom) might have been there to help.

Here is the first time we met Henry.

Corinne always has beautiful babies. 
 He looks like a doll in this picture.
 This was probably their first visit to see us in St. George.
 Corinne really enjoys having a baby. Henry has been a good addition to their family.
 He doesn't mind a bit if we hold him or get close. That is nice.
                                           Here he is examining Grandpa Fred's "furr" 
                                      (that's what Corinne called her Daddy's arm hair when she was little)
His brothers LOVE him.
 Another visit with us at our neighborhood park.
 First birthday.
  He needed a bath after cake.
Little Pirate brushing his teeth too.
 He is a beautiful boy. Overall pretty relaxed and calm except he does let you know when he doesn't like something. He is a screamer.
  Henry is a very good eater.
 Great Grandpa Burke reading new books to him.
Tuckered out at Disneyland. I thought Corinne looked so beautiful with him. I admire her so much.
Of all our grandchildren, I have had the least amount of time with Henry. Now that Corinne works full time, she doesn't have leisure time to send pictures and updates. Her work schedule includes Saturdays so going up to visit as often as we could isn't worth it for one day together.
Life doesn't always turn out as you plan.
Hopefully the future will accommodate more visits so I can enjoy Henry more.

1 comment:

cindy said...

Those big beautiful eyes of his!