
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gem of the Week #4

Gem #4 is Buddy.
I have to start with this picture. 
It's a good Grandma moment.
Most of Buddy's moments are with his Grandpa Fred.
They are buddies.
Pretty Cute as Where is Waldo for Halloween this year. 
 Living in Colorado has been so much fun. Buddy can play outside in his own backyard.
 Buddy has big emotions. Especially back in these days. He had a rough first couple years of life. Some delays in speech made for a very frustrating period of time for Buddy and Mom & Dad. Another huge blessing that came as a result of their move to Colorado, was getting Buddy connected with specialist that have been working with him to get him caught up developmentally.
 Buddy loves all vehicles related to construction ~ all called Bobs. 
(From Bob the Builder)
 I think this was the moment we realized that these two have a special bond.
 Shannon sent us this photo after they returned home from a visit with us at our house. 
She said it was Buddy staring out the window missing Grandpa.
 Buddy loves our little vacuum. We are giving him one for Christmas this year.
 This was a scary bump in the road when Buddy got RSV.
He was in the hospital for several days.  
  Buddy came to us through IVF (Infertility and In-Vitro Fertilization)
He is pretty much a miracle really. 
We enjoyed having Shannon's family so close to us for a couple of years before they moved away from Las Vegas. It was a great move for them even though we are sad to be so far apart now.
It made such a difference in my relationship with Shannon's family.
I wish we could see all of our grandchildren more. When I retire, I'm pretty sure I will be doing more of that.
We love you Little Buddy. You are so full of vim and vigor. (Ebullient vitality and energy)

1 comment:

cindy said...

These are all so sweet, especially that smiley newborn one at the end. I have a special place in my heart for Buddy, since he and Claire are only days apart in their ages. I'm glad he's doing so well in his school. Claire is progressing too with her speech. So happy you can be with them for Christmas.