
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crib delivery

Fred and I went shopping to a consignment furniture store a few weeks ago. We found a pretty crib that we thought Shannon might like for Copper. They had not purchased one yet as Little Buddy will still be in his crib. They said they would like it so we bought it. This weekend we delivered it to them in Las Vegas along with a birthday present for Brian. His birthday was the 17th. Anyway we had a nice stay in the Drees Bed and Breakfast. Enjoyed play time with Little Buddy and visiting with Shannon & Brian. We managed to fit the crib and our over night stuff in my new little Elantra truck. It was impressive that Fred could make it all fit, although in his packing, he forgot his own bag of overnight supplies. He made a trip to Wal Mart when he discovered he had no luggage. Luckily he had forgot his suit there our last trip so he did have clothes for Sunday.

Grammie and Grampie bought Little Buddy his first bag of Animal Crackers. As you can see, he liked them.

Little Buddy has the cutest little front teeth. He also has grown out of the walking style of monkey arms in the air. Shannon pointed out and I agree, that although Little Buddy looks so much like his Daddy, his head, ears and eye shape is Shannon all the way. He is such a nice combination of both parents.

I asked Brian to bake me a loaf of one of his yummy homemade breads. He bakes the best stuff and is also a super yummy cook. We enjoyed some bread toasted tonight with our chicken soup dinner. The last two visits following an evening of Brian creating his masterpieces in the kitchen, I do come through the kitchen and clean up so I do earn our keep.

I also went line dancing tonight with a work friend. It is kind of wierd to be in a totally new environment. Overall, I find that all women laugh at the same things and act basically the same silly way. I fit right in. My feet are tired and the muscles on the side of my upper thighs were burning. I guess I don't side shuffle very often.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Visiting Teaching St George style

I hope my words paint the perfect picture because I don't have a picture to post. Last night I was able to ride my new cruiser bike to visit one of the sisters on my visiting teaching route. As I cruised down the rode I thought to myself, well this is the life. I had a lovely visit with Carrie and she wished me safe travels home. I go outside (it's dark) and walk my bike to the street. Ready for mounting (I don't remember what way I was trying) and then down I went. Backward with the bike still somehow connected to me...slow motion again and landed on my lower back and somehow didn't hit my head. I lay there a moment realizing I was in big trouble as to how I was going to get my sorry big butt off the street. I reached over and pulled the kick stand down. I started to lean on the bike to get up and realized that wasn't going to work. I knew I'd fall the other direction. So I very lady like (NOT) rolled over to all fours and did a downward dog to get up. I was very thankful that it was dark and I'm 99.9 % sure no one saw me. As I peddled home I finally began to cry. Not because I was hurt, but so humiliated and disappointed that I can't even get on a bike and enjoy riding without falling down. The few times Fred and I have ridden around the neighborhood I could really sense my fear as I lack the feeling of coordination (you know leaning into a curve or turn) and almost freeze up with fear of falling.

Today my tailbone is so sore. Walking hurts and any movement from one position to another is bad. My neck is feeling like it would welcome a nice chiropractic crack! I haven't seen a chiropractor since we left Bremerton.

Happier news to come next.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Labor Day Weekend Events 2013

Labor Day weekend was a trip to Provo to celebrate's Garrett's 7th Birthday.
He choose a Harry Potter Themed party.
Here are all the party guests.
Ben came up with the activities for the party, hats, wands and Corinne ordered the glasses.

Chocolate Harry Potter Cake with ice cream.

 Ben and Corinne both worked on making their own pinata of the golden snitch. 
It really turned out pretty cool.
 Corinne and Ben & the boys came out for a swim at our campground pool. Here is the only shot I could get of all three boys together.
 Ben was the only adult who went in. Spencer was having a great time having his Dad's full attention.
 This is Ben, Garrett & Spencer.
 I forgot to get a picture of our campsite set up. So this is it being taken down.
 The campground had a great playground for kids. Here is Garrett on the old tractor.
 Spencer and Richard here.
 Spencer liked to jump up on everything even though he needed our help to get on the rings.
 Garrett in the playhouse.
 Spencer on the slide.
 Here is Richard on the tractor. He was asking Corinne what all the levers and pedals were for.

 We went to a park at the bottom of Provo Canyon next. It wasn't as good as the campground playground as far as toys to play on, but luckily Grandpa Fred came prepared with a couple balls, nerf torpedo type football thing and this big foam glider.

Richard was able to fly it pretty easily from the beginning.
 After a little guidance, Spencer got the hang of it too.
Happy Birthday Garrett and thanks for inviting us to your birthday party!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Weekend retirement and Yes, it's my birthday!

I wanted to share that Fred and I are adjusting to the joy, freedom and reality that we can actually see all of our children and grandchildren any weekend of the month.....if they will have us. I say weekend for two reasons...

1. I work full time
2. We were just called to be the webelos leaders. In case you wondered......I totally told our new bishop that I do not like little boys. He smiled. So all he knows about Fred and I is that and we have a daughter in Las Vegas and we have a son who was in scouting. That 20 minute appt. is the only amount of time we have had to visit with our bishop. We are very disappointed that we have not had the opportunity to have a get to know you as a new member of our ward appt.

Back to happier thoughts. We drove to Shannon's on Saturday after we had a surprise drop by from Scott and Cate. They were headed back to Provo from their California trip so we took them to Red Robin for lunch. We enjoyed our short visit hearing about their anniversary trip with Cate's brother's and their wives. Anyway, Shannon and Brian were asked to speak in sacrament meeting so we offered to come and sit with Little Buddy. We went to Panera for dinner.... Our family tradition that may ever end...we seem to always take our children out to eat. I asked Brian if he would make me his fabulous chocolate cake while we were there to celebrate my upcoming birthday.. Which he did. I brought some of it home and sliced it up in single servings and put them in the freezer. Tonight I served it up with cool whip and fresh strawberries....yummy!!! It is a chocolate bundt cake with sour cream and lots of chips etc. in it. Pretty yummy looking huh? Thank you Brian.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Changes of the month

I started my part time job on July 10th as a receptionist in the afternoon from 1-5 PM at Deseret Laboratories. I answer the phones and greet people who come for appointments. Also every employee permanent or temporary have to clock in and out at the reception desk when they arrive, go on breaks, go to lunch and leave for the day. So I see people a lot.

As of the 1st of August, I became the full time receptionist. So now I'm there 8-5 PM and there is a lot of down time as I do not have a lot of tasks to do. I think Heavenly Father knew I have been frustrated with myself that I don't use my time productively so now I have to. I am able to read at work so I have been reading church magazines and can take my I Pad so I have even more available to read. Basically I have about 4 hours a day outside of work for the rest of my life responsibilities. I have to plan meals and what I need to get done instead of sitting in front of the TV or wasting time on the computer. I have also told myself I will not complain about being "bored at work" to myself or anyone else. This is a gift of time that I can now do personal productive things. I think with time responsibilities will come to my position. I'm feeling confident that this is where the Lord has prepared me to be for working.

At least I have a nice view of the blue skies and greenery outside and the plants inside. An improvement from my view at Olympic High School.

These are a couple photos of our home around 8:30 PM. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August Adventures

Corinne and her boys came to visit a couple of days before we all headed to Shannon's to celebrate Little Buddy's 1st birthday. Here is Garrett (on the left) and Spencer (on the right). These boys really like to play board games. Connect Four was a hit. Grandpa Fred is always happy to play games with the boys. There was Chess, Checkers, Pig Mania, Connect Four, Operation to name a few. The boys are sitting on the area rug that we got for the living room if you noticed. 

Another hit is always Legos. Here is Richard sitting at the table set that Great Grandma & Grandpa Daly made for our girls when they were Two and Four years old. They made hand and foot prints of the girls and stuck them to the table. As you can see, we save everything (that is important). We have Lego sets from Scott and even one or two that Corinne wanted when she was about ten years old. We saved a big box of Power Rangers toys and a big box of Transformers also. These little boys never need for interesting toys when they visit.

Here is Little Buddy being encouraged to make a mess with his birthday cake. It was kind of hard to watch. His Daddy Brian made the cake. It was the best ever. Have I ever said that Brian is a great cook and even better at baking?Brian makes homemade bread (of all varieties). Little Buddy spits out store bought bread. 

Yes, that is me. What a Grandma!

Looks like Little Buddy adores his Grandpa in this shot.

I will blog again in a few days. I want to journal about my new job and how I'm adjusting to our new life.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My new ride

I'm not sure how many of you knew that I sold my Highlander before we moved here. I told Fred that I was planning on making lots of trips to see my kids and grandkids once we moved here. He said "well then we better get something more economical on gas".

Now that I have a part time job, I felt it was time to treat me to a car. We really don't need two cars right now and I actually told Fred that the other day, but he had started researching cars and decided it was the right time to buy. Not that there really is any facts to support that idea, but he actually had talked himself into it and who am I to question?

I wanted a Corolla or Hyundai Elantra. Our son in law Brian originally planted the suggestion of an Elantra. I like the curves of the Elantra and more destinctive body shape. Corollas are a little plain unless you get the sport or LE version. So I got exactly what I wanted. 2013 Elantra silver with gray interior. We brought it home on Saturday morning. It's super sweet and curvaceous just like me.